You Don't Have To Tell Me.

"So what was so important that you wanted to meet with me today?"

Mark finally asked Pat the questions that Pat had been waiting for and Pat turned around and regarded Mark closely. Pat was thinking about how he would bring up the topic right now because it wasn't something he felt comfortable talking about. In a way, he knew what the outcome of the conversation would be before even starting it, but Pat didn't want to just allow his assumptions to stop him from being certain.

"I intercepted a video from the NSA island raid when you went to save Arit. At first, I didn't want to believe what I watched, but I can't really give any excuses for something like this, not even to myself."

Pat reached to the side and pressed a button on his keyboard, and a video came to life on the screen.

[Are you the one that killed all my children before I could even meet them?]