Found You!

Mark read the message from Sozin with a look of disbelief on his face and he blinked hard as some images suddenly filtered into his brain from Sozin. The image was of the body of an extremely endowed woman. Her breasts and crotch were covered with thin clothes, but the rest of her body that was exposed was milky white and absolutely gorgeous. Mark couldn't see her face either since it wasn't added to the picture, but Mark knew that the face had to be extremely beautiful if she had a body like that!

[Comment from GoG: Eh. Eh. What do you think? She's smoking hot, isn't she!? I bet your girl should look like this when she's a little older, but you just can't beat that mature boing-boing!! Fucking shit, I gotta go!]

[The Goddess of Life has sent her strongest warriors after the God of Games and demanded his life as punishment for what he did!]

[The Goddess of Life is sending an enormous amount of hostility at the User.]