Inconsistent Data

If women were throwing themselves at Mark now, they would start falling off buildings just to get a glimpse of him if they found out about that. No, really, Mark had once seen a woman jump up a building just to touch an S-rank superhuman that was passing through the city. It was one of the funniest shits that Mark had ever seen in his life.

But, surprisingly, that was not the case at all with Jane Kirsten. When Jane arrived to pick Mark up from his hotel, Jane had an extremely professional look as she came out from the limousine and bowed once Mark came out of the hotel doors. She did not look nervous and she did not say anything inappropriate or misleading! In fact, Mark hadn't even seen her smile once since they met. Mark could tell that she had been trained for this from a very young age and she was already used to meeting important people, so she knew how to act when they were in her presence.