It Was Him, Him, Him, and Her

"So, why don't you look me in the eyes and tell me yourself. Why have you been stealing from my company, Vincent?"

Everyone in the room immediately looked toward Vincent, and he tightened his hand into fists and slammed it on the table as he stood up!


"What sort of slander is this!? Do you have any proof!? Do you have any justifiable reason for coming in here and accusing me so blatantly!? I'll have you sued for this! You think you're above the law just because you're a superhuman!? You'll be spending the rest of your life in the Forte after I'm done with you!"

Mark slowly stood from his seat and fixed up his tie gently before he began to move around the table. Vincent's hands were shaking as he watched Mark coming towards him, but he stood his ground and decided that he would not run! He was not going to give anyone here any reason to doubt him no matter what! How dare this boy try to slander him in front of the other members of the board!?