Child of Zeus

"Who the hell are you!? What are you doing here!? Guards! Guards!"

One of the people sitting at the table immediately stood up and shouted angrily. He was shocked by the sudden appearance because he didn't even see the girl move! The man just saw a flash of lightning before there was someone sitting on top of their table, and that freaked the hell out of him! He called for the guards outside to come and get rid of the girl, but he remembered that Mark had beaten the shit out of them before coming in here, and he just decided that it would be better to take a few more steps back.

They didn't pay him enough to deal with this much shit. First, he was removed as a member of the board, and now this? If this is how things are going to be when Mark takes over the company, then maybe it is better for him to just leave the company on his own. He is just a normal human, so he can't deal with all his superhuman nonsense!