Are You Perhaps, My Cousin?

Name: Miyamoto Musashi

Role: Servant Knight

Game Rank: EPIC Rank I

True Rank: S Rank

Potential: A Rank

Description: The man hailed as the strongest Ronin ever to exist. His entire life has been dedicated to the sword and learning how to be one with it. He is a well-known philosopher who exalts peace of mind and detests anything that would cause him to lose his calm. During his life, he fought and won against more than fifty opposing swordsmen, cementing his place as one of the strongest samurai to ever live. He is an honorable man who can always be trusted to keep his word.

Affiliation: True Neutral.

Name: Miyamoto Otsu

Role: Master of Knight

Game Rank: Regular Human

True Rank: D Rank

Potential: F Rank