What Is An Accident?

"I told you all to get the fuck out."

Pat suddenly glared at everyone there and they all felt a shiver pass through their bodies as they saw how serious he was. Even as a second year, Patrick had more sway in the university than even some of the professors. This lab was given to him by the school to carry out any experiment he wanted after he won the second Students Science Prize for breakthroughs in physics, and he could do whatever he wanted here, so it was suicide for anyone to try and argue with him.

They immediately started to pack their things and filtered out of the room.

Once they were gone, Mark stood up and punched Pat lightly on the shoulder.

"Ow! What the fuck was that for!?"

"You're still terrible at talking with others. You didn't have to kick them out like that. Now come on, smile a little, your best friend is here and he brings good tidings. Aren't I just the fucking best?"