Tear Her Apart

"So, I hear you've been asking around about me. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting before. I'm Sasha, what's your name?"

Sasha Palma walked out from the magic circle in the wall and gave A a kind smile. It was such a shocking event that for a good five seconds, A's mind had shut off. There was a SOVEREIGN standing in front of her right now. Someone capable of destroying mountains with only a punch was standing in front of her! She was fucked.

Sasha was honestly surprised when she heard from one of the patrons in the bar that there was a woman asking Richard for information about her. The person who told her about it was the drunkard who had been sitting beside A when she was paying Richard. The man was actually one of Sasha's spies, whom she had placed there to watch out for anyone asking about her. He stayed back after pretending to leave upstairs and eavesdropped on the conversation.