Misguided Trust

The only way to get a visa into Africa was if you had family there or if your company sent you there for work. Even students couldn't get visas unless they already had a family member working there. Most African countries were very strict.

Arit would be able to move to Africa easily since her father worked there, so there would be no issue with a visa. But Arit obviously didn't want to go anywhere. She liked staying here with Mark. Even with the high rate of anima appearances and all the danger present in the country, she was happy with him.

Arthur saw the look of distress appearing on his daughter's face, and he told her that he couldn't talk about it here.

"It's important that we talk about this in private. I saw a café on the other side of the street when I was coming to the hotel. We can talk there."

"Arthur. Are you sure there's nothing going on?"