The King And His Clean-Up Crew

His voice was sarcastic and more than a little condescending, but Mark didn't allow that to affect him. Mark knew that Alpha Two was from the government, so he wouldn't be on Mark's side with this plan no matter what. After all, Henry already said that he didn't want Mark to take the anima to the northern part of the country, so Mark doing this was basically him giving a middle finger to the government. 

Mark spoke up calmly. 

"The monster is after me. If I expose myself and draw its attention, then it'll follow me. The only thing is that I won't be able to watch the area and the other superhumans while drawing it to City H. It'll be too hectic for me to look out for anything like that. That's where the rest of you come in. I need you all to make sure the other superhumans don't get killed when I'm focused on the monster. Also, try to keep the damage to the area to a minimum."