He's Outside!

After the previous king and queen were killed by the demons, the current king took over at a very young age, and he had been forced to mature quickly in order to continue leading the army during the period of war. If not for the many advisors who made sure to help him with his decisions, he wouldn't have been able to keep the army afloat at all. 

So right now, the king had developed a slight dependence on the advisors, and out of all of them, Ephraim was the one person whose words he never doubted. If Ephraim said that the conditions he gave the demons were fair, then the king believed him. 

But some things still didn't make sense to the king. 

"Then why is the demon lord attacking us too? If he is only angry with the demons, shouldn't he only be attacking them?" 

The king asked this, and Ephraim shook his head before saying that he was sure it was just the demon lord's demonic personality at work.