Red Spiders

"Pat! Focus!"

Mark spoke up roughly as he heard Patrick and Grace still arguing over the comms! Pat recognized the seriousness in Mark's voice and Pat swore a few more times before he finally relented and told Grace that she could stay but she should just not bother him! He had to finish something quickly!

Pat went into the system and redirected a few satellites that were linked to the Australian streetcam network towards his own computer. The signals were protected by a firewall just like always, but Pat didn't even need to use any effort as he broke through it and the images appeared on his screen.

At his side, Grace's eyes widened when she saw how effortlessly he was able to do that. Grace could do it too if she wanted, but she didn't think she would be able to do it with the sheer speed and efficiency that Pat just did!

Pat ignored Grace's staring as he spoke up.