Noone Insults The KING!

Arit took in one silent breath to calm her nerves before she blasted forward!


The lizard men both separated to the side as they avoided the initial charge! Arit's hand slammed into the wall of the building and the entire building shook down to the foundation as her punch almost brought it to the ground! The lizard men exchanged a glance before they dashed towards the large window at the side of the building to try and escape! They were ony here to pass a message and they knew they didn't stand a chance against her in a straight fight!

But Arit was right on top of them before they could get far! Arit grabbed the green lizard by the head and body-tossed him towards the red lizard! They both slammed into the wall at the side and the green lizard's eyes widened in shock as he saw Arit flying toward him with her nails drawn back and a mad look on her face!