A Pain To Clean Up

Loud cheers rang out across the beach as the civilians all clapped in amazement at the show of power that Megumi had just displayed! It was like watching someone perform a magic trick! They had no idea what just happened, but that didn't make it any less impressive! One moment ht monster was there and alive, and in the next, it was dead! Of course, they would be impressed!

Megumi ignored the people clapping and cheering as she turned down to look at the stingray floating lifelessly in the water. Megumi could have finished the fight in one blow if she wanted to, but she had used the first slash to test the monster and see just how thick the skin of the stingray was. Megumi knew that if she used her full power on the stingray, it would be obliterated. But her partner told her not to destroy it, so she decided that she only needed to use a small part of her power to split the monster into four parts so they could still sell it later on.