Playing House

Just as the foreign superhumans were sizing Mark up, the members of the Alpha Squad, as well as the non-combatant superhumans that were brought from the Superhuman Alliance, were also checking out the many superhumans around the field as they recognized many of them since they were so famous.

"Hey, it's the Undefined superhuman, Red Rider from France. I heard he can summon flames that are even stronger than what Gunter could use. He called it Hell Fire, I think! It's freaking awesome!"

"Holy shit, look at that woman there. It's Cheshire from China. She uses illusion to fight. They say she can make a hundred anima fight each other to the death without having to move a single finger!"

"Even Great General is here! He's the leader of the British imperial army! I can't believe he left his post just to come here!"