Unexpected Pretence

A large explosion went off once the crane was destroyed and the monster roared again as it continued destroying the area!

Mark frowned and finally turned to look at the other screen where the MDS was being displayed. The MDS showed various blue circles all around the docks to mark out the superhumans that were running away from the monster, and there was also a large red circle there that showed the monster rampaging at the shore.

Once Pat was sure that Mark had gotten a good look at what was going on, Pat then turned the focus of the MDS to a different part of the shore.

"After your bird got close enough, I was able to get a better view of what was going on at the shore. I know it's going to sound crazy, but I double-checked to make sure that it was correct, so you don't need to ask. Take a look at this"

Pat stopped the MDS scanner at a certain part near the shore, Mark frowned and asked a simple question.

"Why are there so many red circles?"