Red Lightning

Genshi walked to the front of the group once more, and Mark's translator buzzed in his ear as Genshi started to speak in Japanese.

"Ladies and gentlemen. It's been an honor to host you so far in this tournament, but now the time has come for you to take center stage. I wish you luck, and I pray that the best country wins."


The large door behind Genshi started to open up, and all the countries started to move forward into the blinding light of the sun outside. Loud cheers and whistles could already reach Mark once the door opened, and Mark walked out to see that there were hundreds of people gathered around two military-grade helicopters that were waiting for them.

Some of the superhumans waved at all the people who were cheering for them, but Mark didn't bother paying them any mind. Mark narrowed his eyes at the helicopter and wondered how in the world they were going to get onto the island. Were they going to be dropped off by the helicopter?