The praying mantis unleashed a sinister smile as he watched blood begin to leak out from the side of Kuro's mouth and it opened its mouth wide and closed it hard around Kuro's neck! A sickening crunch echoed through the clearing as Kuro felt something break in his throat! Praying mantises had some of the strongest necks in the insect world, and when that power is scaled upwards to the size of a human and then given the power of an Eldritch-class anima, it is more than capable of tearing through the skin and cracking the bone of an ELITE Rank I!
Kuro could feel the light fading from the edge of his vision, but there was a part of Kuro that felt a deep-seated hatred for this monster! It was this small part of him that gave him enough strength to grab his sword out from his scabbard with a sharp rasp, and he raised it into the air and stabbed down on the head of the mantis, digging deep into its eye and spearing its brain!