The spider cried out as it felt pain surge through all the nerves in its body, and as it rose its one good head, it felt fear course through its body as it saw Mark appearing from the distance. Mark was walking forward with a haze of mana surrounding him, and the spider couldn't even begin to put together a sensible thought at that moment! Every thought of trying to hold Mark back was gone from its mind! It just needed to survive!
The spider suddenly ballooned into a wide, big ball with all of its hairs standing on edge and it bowed its head and raised its large behind up before releasing all of the hairs like projectiles! The hairs flew true and shot straight towards Mark at the same time!
Each one of the hairs had the same strength and ductility as the skin from an Armageddon-class anima, and if something that strong and traveling that fast hit anything in its path, it was more than capable of tearing it to pieces immediately!