The Anima King

Pat told Mark that he had already taken care of that as he turned away from the MDS that was still tracking the mana signatures for the anima and started to type into another laptop at his side. Mark decided to leave Pat to his devices as he walked out with Luna, knowing that if anyone could figure out what was written in that book, it would be Pat. So, Mark was going to bet on him and hope things worked out.

[Russia. Moscow.]

A lone figure, standing at two meters in height, walked through the lonely forest outside the president's mansion in Moscow. The figure had four arms and a slender feminine body which was covered in various areas by keratin armor. 

Its head was oval and smooth, but more keratin armor covered its eyes, making it seem like it was wearing visors. The creature's skin was black, and behind it were four ant wings that were folded downwards. This was the creature known to the anima as the Knight.