First Base

Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack!

Pat started to put the various hieroglyphics together on another page that he was writing on his laptop as he spoke up.

"AI. Wake up."

The voice of Patrick's AI echoed through the room.

[Hello Master Patrick. Good morning.]

"Not exactly a good morning at all, AI. I need you to do something for me. The images on the screen belong to an unknown language. I want you to decipher the image's origin and attempt to translate."

[Yes, of course. Analyzing... analyzing... analyzing... Analysis failed. Language origin undetectable.]

Pat coughed and spoke up again.

"This time, try to analyze the language and cross-reference it with the code that I'm writing. Segregate each symbol and cross-reference it to all known symbols and also search for cult-based symbols to see if there are any similarities."

[Yes, of course. Analyzing... analyzing... analyzing... Analysis complete. Partial matches found.]