I know What I am doing


When I opened my eyes, Jack was sleeping near me. Not wanting to disturb him, I closed my eyes as he quietly left the room. The doctor came in to check my wound, and I could see the concern in everyone's faces. Jack returned to the room.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier," Jack said sincerely.

"Don't you realize that your carelessness could have been fatal?" I retorted.

"I'm prepared to take responsibility for what I've done. I'll care for you until you're fully recovered," Jack assured me.

His words were shocking. Why would he choose to take responsibility after I had hurt him so deeply? I thought of my brother and asked Jack to make a call for me.

Curious about Jack's photographic memory, I wanted to learn more about him. A few minutes later, Henry entered the room. I introduced him to Jack, and upon learning that Jack was the one who shot me, Henry was visibly shocked. Jack, sensing the tension, stepped outside.

"Now tell me, why are you acting like this? Why did you bring him here?" Henry demanded.

"Calm down. I know what I'm doing. I think things through thoroughly before acting, so you don't need to worry," I replied.

Henry seemed to accept this and left the room, but not before whispering something into Jack's ear. Jack's expression turned tense as a result.

Jack returned, hurriedly bringing me food. "Is this how you're taking care of me?" I asked.

"Should I feed you?" Jack shot back.

"Yes, if you're not going to, I'll have to do it myself. The stitches might get torn if I move too much," I explained.

Seeing Jack's sulking face made me want to tease him more. He fed me the meal, and soon after, he left the room.

At 8 p.m., Jack came back with more food and medicine. The medicine made me drowsy, and I soon fell asleep. When I awoke, I saw Jack sleeping on the sofa. Bored and unable to sleep, I decided to visit the gym. As I was walking on the treadmill, I suddenly stopped and felt a sharp tap on my head. I turned around, angry and ready to confront whoever dared to hit me, only to find Jack standing there.

"Have you lost your mind? Look, it's bleeding from the wound!" I exclaimed, noticing the fresh blood.

Jack guided me back to the room, cleaned the wound, and dressed it carefully. Then he came back with a thread, tying one end to my hand and the other to his own. I watched in confusion.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"You don't care about yourself, so I need to. Once you're better, I can free myself from you," Jack replied.

"Are you sure you can free yourself from me?" I questioned.

"Shut up and sleep. I need to rest now," Jack ordered.

He lay down on the floor, and seeing his discomfort, I carefully lifted him and placed him on the bed beside me.

"Why did you bring me to the bed?" Jack asked, surprised.

"How can I sleep while you're on the floor? It's uncomfortable for me," I explained.

Jack placed pillows between us and fell asleep. Watching his face as I drifted off, I found myself drawn to him. When I awoke, Jack's face was alarmingly close. In a moment of confusion, my lips met his. Before I could react, Jack pushed me away.

"You're just like your brother said. I freaking hate you," Jack muttered as he stormed out of the room.

Confused and unsettled, I couldn't understand why I had kissed him. My feelings were tangled, and every time Jack entered the room afterward, he was accompanied by someone else.

Jack returned with James. I asked James to leave so I could speak privately with Jack. Once James left, I confronted Jack.

"Are you afraid of me?" I asked.

"First, tell me what you want from me. Do you need sex, love, or revenge? If it's love, you won't get it from me. I'm deeply in love with Calvin."

"Nothing, just nothing?"

"Let me go home. I miss Calvin so much," I pleaded.

"I'll give you whatever you want, but you can't go home," Jack insisted.

"I'm asking nicely. What do you want from me?"

"I want you to beat me in a boxing match. If you win, you can go home," Jack said.

"Fine, let's do it," I agreed.

Jack advanced aggressively, throwing a punch. I blocked it and tried to hug him from behind, but he pushed me away and swung again.

"Marc and Jack, why are you fighting?" Win's voice interrupted.

We both froze, seeing Win standing outside. He came in and sulked, "You both are terrible. Don't talk to me."

I stepped towards him. "I'm sorry for making you angry."

"Don't apologize to me. First, apologize to yourselves," Win said.

Both Jack and I apologized, and Win instructed, "Now hug each other and say you'll be friends from today."

Reluctantly, we embraced and agreed to be friends. Jack then took Win with him as they left the room.


As Jack entered the room, I leaned in and whispered, "Be careful. He might go after you. Do you know what I mean?" I saw the tension in Jack's face before he went outside.

I followed him and found James absorbed in his work on a laptop. I approached him and closed the laptop gently, hoping to talk. James remained distant and unresponsive, despite my repeated apologies. He left the room as he always did, leaving me feeling helpless and unsure of how to resolve the situation.