Let me teach you a lesson:


I see that Jack was attracting everyone with is beauty, I see everyone's eyes were on him, I tried to stop him at house, but I couldn't, I feel like when anyone sees him, want to rip their eyes.

All the people were gathered their whom I have sent the invitation, without invitation whatever it may be, whoever it maybe no one are allowed inside this floor.

John came to us with curiosity towards us, I know that he loves me a lot, but I don't feel the love of anyone, I feel like sometimes I don't have the soul. I went to the people to check whether everyone has gathered or not, where John and Jack were talking each other.

Within a few minutes I went for the meeting, keeping 2 men eye on Jack, though he don't drink, as I never seen him drinking, just wanted to say not to drink.

At meeting:

Group of people around 6 members, who are gangsters I have started meeting, 

"What is the update? Is anyone are coming in the middle of the business, we don't have much time, gather all the information, if anyone refuse to co-operate with us just finish them and complete the things, at any cost I should win in the tender, find the quality of people who are perfectly suitable to it." (Marcus)

"Yes boss, but How can we stop Olive, he is meddling in our business much more, sending his people to interrupt us." (one of the persons)

"You don't need to worry about it, I will take care of him. you may leave now." (Marcus)

Everyone left the room, I was thinking about Olive as he is becoming more annoying to me now a days, But I have a wildcard where I can stop him. I can distract him from my way.

"Boss, politican were waiting for you." (Bodyguard)

"Make them to come inside." (Marcus)

Around 5 politicians who are most influential at persent were entered into the room.

 "Hi, Marcus , today's hot topic is your person whom you took today for the meeting. Is he the special person to you?" (one of the pesorns)

"Hmm..... well it's out of the topic, let's just focus on the meeting." (Marcus)

"It's just simple, we have a plan what to do, how we can gain for us, but we just need a person who are strong enough to support for us." (one of the persons)

"No, it's not how going to happen, if you want support from me, I will do it in my way or else you just leave now, if you are ok with my condition, I will be back up for you, but you should rely one me completely, or else you may just leave the room." (Marc)

I see that they are not at all okay with my offer, they just wanted a dog who should work for them loyal, but I am not that kind of person who work for them, I have my own rules, no one are above my rules.

With after deep thinking they said ok to my conditions, they just wanted money for their party works and I need the way where I can flow like a water without any problems in my illegal works.

They just leave the room, I got a call from the bodyguards, that Jack was missing. I immediately leave the meeting room and went to check where he is missing, I make an alert for the cc camera maintenance people, said that he didn't went out from the hotel, I went to check every place.

I found him at a room with Calvin, the moment I see Jack with Calvin, where they are about to kiss, I just wanted him to die, but I don't want to make that happen, because he is connect between Jack and Olive. 

If I kill him, Jack wont stay with me, I can't find another way to control Olive.

I went towards them as they were in another world, I dragged Jack from Calvin towards me, I see that Jack is panicked at the moment he saw me. Bodyguards entered into the room, I ordered to beat him, where Jack is crying like a baby in front of me and asking to stop, but I listened nothing to him. I went towards Calvin, lift his chin.

"What I said to you, don't even think about Jack in your dreams, you came here and about to kiss him, have you forgot who I am?" (Marc)

I can see Calvin's expression as he wanted to kill me, but I know that it's not because of meddling with Jack, maybe I am coming in his way to achieve his goal.

I hold Jack's hand, and took him to the car, and forced to sit him in the car, I see that Jack was continuously crying, we reached to the house, he ran inside my bedroom where his room was connected, as I wanted him to stop from not harming himself, I followed him, I see that he was sleeping in the sofa and sobbing.

I went to him and slowly removed my jacket, I saw that Jack was observing me, I removed one by one each and every clothe from my body, I saw that Jack was panicked by seeing me.

I see that, Jack stood up in fear, I reached towards him, he was moving backwards in fear, as he reached to the mirror, I was keep following him, I was about to hug him, he closed his eyes tightly as he don't want me to there with him, the moment when my body touched his body he turned around, and put his two hands around him, as he covering himself from me.

I can feel that his heartbeat has increased in fear, I hold his chin and turned him towards me, I was watching him into his eyes and looked to his lips, as I was about to kiss.

"If you wanted to have sex with me, you can have it, I am ready to give what you want, from the starting I said You are mine, can't you understand that, or you don't want to listen to me?"

After listening to my words, Jack pushed me from him, and said that "I am freaking hate you. I just want to kill you with my own hands." 

"Are you sure you want to kill me, ok I will give the chance to kill me, have a try." 

Jack went into his room with anger and closed the door. I went to the washroom to have a bath and finished bathing and slept.

When I woke up I still listening Jack's cry from the room, I was unable to control my anger after knowing that he was crying from the night.

One of my men entered into the room, 

"Boss, there was an issue in the warehouse, someone entered there, one of our men caught him."

After listening to his I slapped him, I don't know is it because of work or it is because of Jack's crying.

I left from the home to solve the issue.