Should I Help him:


When I said all the things happened in my life to Marcus, I feel like someone are really there who are listening to my hard battles, after explaining to him, I saw warmness in his eyes.

After going to bed, the way he said that he will be my mom tonight is actually a best thing happened on that day. I slept peacefully.

Marcus wake me up for the training, earlier we both went for the walk, we show me how do warm up before start the boxing, he just showed me the basic things of the boxing. 

I was watching far from him, just wondering how he was punching the bag, I really enjoying the view, later remembered Calvin, am I cheating him, anyhow once I complete the training I will be out from the prison, I am damn waiting to get out from this house.

after few minutes I sat on the chair and reading the book, I saw Win came with Henery, as it was Sunday he went to play with his dad. 

Henery sat with me, I was eager to know about Win's mother, after coming to this house I never seen her.

"Henery, where is Marcus's wife, after coming to this house I never seen her?" (Jack)

"Hmmmm, actually Marcus is not married, 8 years ago before starting all this business, he was in deep love with a girl who is a doctor, at starting he was so good, he used to smile a lot, I don't know what happened, I never see her in his life, he never talked about her, I think he had a bad phase in his love, I don't want to hurt him by reminding her." (Henery)

"What! is it real, then How can she leave Win, though they might have experience bad in between them, at least she would have visited for her son." (Jack)

"stop, Win is not Marcus son, one day when I was back from the college Marcus entered our home, holding Win in his hands, where his dress is covered with blood, I didn't dare to ask him any details, as he was in deep pain on that day. as Win grows day by day, the sorrow has been decreased." (Henery)

"Then who are Win's parents, where are they?" (Jack)

"I don't think they are alive, if they are they would have come for Win." (Henery)

I saw that Henery got a call and left from there. I was thinking Henery said about Marcus. What is this person, the more I know the more he is hidden, I want to know all things what he has, but can't get it from his mouth, because till now he didn't share his personal things, how can I expect if he didn't tell his own brother.

All together had Lunch at the noon, Win, Marcus and Henery were playing in the garden happily, I was watching them peacefully, James come to me and sat beside me.

"Did you get any information regarding Henery?" (Jack)

"I have seen his chats, there were few chats were he used to casual date with other that is before 5 months, but recently have nothing special."(James)

"Oh, Let me ask you something more interesting thing, have you watched him when he is alone with out clo...." (Jack)

"Shhhh... please are you crazy, why would I do that? I don't have intention towards him like that." (James)

"Hmm, then my hard work is waste now." (Jack)

"Ok, I will be back within few minutes, let me have some water." (James)

I intentionally connected James laptop to Henery's camera so that he can get interest on him, in my point of view he is just finding exception to not love him, but deep inside I think he likes him.

After few minutes W1 came in a tension calling to Marcus, as he was in full of tension happened something bad. Marcus came to W1.

"Boss, there is a problem at office, all the data regarding our work past details, present details and important one which is next tender related files where not in the system. yesterday before leaving, employees all updated the files, today all the files got vanished." (W1)

"How is it possible did anyone entered into the office?"(Marc)

"I have checked into the cc cameras, but no one entered into our office, don't know how all the files disappeared in the overnight." (W1)

Marcus was shouting to W1 for being not careful. James hold my hand took me aside to talk with me.