What's your past:


When James and Henery were went out of the room, I see that Jack was staring at me with the question mark face. 

"Why did you do that? I was literally tried hard to make them fall in the love, you came and messed up all the things." (Jack)

Jack hit me with the pillow in anger, I dragged the pillow and hold his neck and dragged towards me, both were gazing each other's eyes. At this time we both were staring equally.

After few minutes, Jack sat beside me in embracement.

"See I am not against to them, they need both of them to understand each other, I intentionally send Henery to work on minor branch, during this period, if James, Henery really loves each other they just find the ways to meet each other or stay strong to get succeed. If they are not in love, they will eventually move on find new ways to lead their own lives." (Marcus)

"Hmm..... It's my mistake that expecting normal things from you." (Jack)

Let the room as if he was annoyed by me, I was walking behind him in the garden, I wanted to know about his past what was he like, why did he learnt hacking, why he left the hacking what was he doing before I took him.

He was sitting in the chair at garden and gazing into the stars, I think he miss his mom. I sat beside him, he leaned his head on my shoulders.

"Life is so unfair, whom we loves it takes away, I used to love my mom, it took her, I love Calvin so much, staying far from him, and the thing I love to do most, unable to control myself." (Jack)

After listening to Calvin's name from his mouth, I feel like I want to shout that he is not right for you, but can't reveal about him right now, if I say it he won't believe me. 

"Are you talking about Hacking?" (Marcus)

I see that he was shocked by my answer, being silent.

"You are not doing a mistake, if it really makes happy do whatever it might be." (Marcus)

Jack smirks "You don't know nothing about the past." (Jack) I was watching the tears which were rolling from his checks, every time when I see the tears in his eyes, I see his helplessness and anger but this time I see the real pain I just wanted to take out the pain he was holding in him.

I dragged him towards my chest and hugged him, "Take it easy, don't be harsh on yourself." (Marcus)

"I am ready to hear you, try to speak out, I am not going to judge you what you are." (Marcus)

Jack gazing into my eyes, I wiped the tears from his eyes, Holding his face into my hands. Making him comfort to speak out all.

"I was computer engineer student who was a gold medalist in my college day, I was head over heels for Hacking. At earlier my mom was opposed for learning.

"It's a dark world once you enter into that world it won't give you a chance to lighten up." (Jack's mom)

 "No mom I wont harm anyone or misuse of it." (Jack)

After a week discussion I convinced my mom for entering into hacking.

Slowly I started learning the hacking from books, I used to practice it day and night, the more I learnt the more I was addicted to it.

My goal to learn hacking is to stop the human tracking and mafia things happening in the city, at that time wherever I see the city was in ruckus, I just fed up at everything. My best friend was victim in the human trafficking, got killed by one of the gangsters who were under the shelter of top most mafia don. I take a oath to make them learn the lesson. 

At first I started with cracking the devices passwords to handling all the data in the cloud, no one were safe if they were handling the things with electronic devices or systems, laptops. 

I created my own website released all the data there, and upload the proofs in the YouTube, I used to do the things by hiding myself, I used not to leave the traces about my existence. My mom was so happy about my work.

One of the people who used to follow my accounts, find me and got know about my details, they took hostage of my mom, they cut my mom throat in front of me. 

At that moment I hated myself for learning hacking and my dad, I felt like if he was really with us, maybe we don't have to face this situation.

Infront of my mom's cemetery I took a oath myself that I am not going to touch this hacking, after a long time, I held James by hacking Henery's mobile." (Jack)

After listening his story, I felt like why he had to face this kind of sorrows, it's really hard to live alone in this world without anyone, he doesn't even know to whom he was born.

"You have done really good job, for everything there will be price, after you losing the most valuable persons in your life, there is something enlighten your way, don't lose the hope.

I am not forcing you to help me, but I am asking you to don't stop yourself from your happiness, I am there beside you if you really want to do just do it, I will protect you from the dark world, just shine as much as you wanted." (Marcus)

"Hmmmm....... I don't have anyone left in my life, I just have my soul in this body, I will just give a try for you until I stay with you." (Jack)

It was unexpected for me, I didn't think that he is willing to help me.

"But I have 2 conditions, if you are ok with it then I will help you," (Jack)