Messy things around


I woke and prepared breakfast, seen that Jack was out from his room, the environment was not looks like before, he was silent, we together made breakfast and left to my house, when I reached W1 was worried, he made sigh need to talk with me separately, I leave Jack in my room and went to him, 

"Boss, there is an emergency, Suppanat was planning to transfer women to other country through containers, by today." (W1)

"What did you, why are you informing me, you would have told me earlier, I have stopped him doing this many times, he is still handling this shitty business, for this time he is going to die, prepare for everything." (Marc)

"yes, boss" (W1)

"One more thing, don't let Jack knows all the things." (Marc)

Evening 6:30 pm:

We all entered to port, there are so many containers around, I see Suppanat men were watching them area, I thrown bomb towards opposite direction, where it's get exploded and all men went towards there.

Slowly we went inside the port, carefully checking one by one, all are busy in finding the container, suddenly Suppanat's righthand person came and placed the gun on head of the W1, as we are tensed I shortly sigh to make a sound in opposite direction to my men, one of our men shoot the gun in other direction, as he looked towards it, right time I shoot on his head.

All the members, came towards the place, everyone started fighting, Benz entered the place with the gun and came back to me and pointed on my head, everyone stopped fighting to them, I see my men were kneel in front of them, I literally hate that situation. he ordered his men to beat all of us.

As I don't like when me or my men bow their head in front of other, I feel it like rip them into pieces, Benz's men came forward and start beating me, he started enjoying the view.

Benz stopped him, took out the gun from his pocket, I see clearly that his fingers are on the trigger, it was about to press it. I stood up right at the moment and started laughing.

Benz was confused looked around, Jack was standing behind him, with the gun on his head. I didn't know their is a monster behind this cute face, who stood up with a gun pointing on Benz's head.

All my men took position back and beat them, Jack given gun to W1 and said to shoot him, Jack hold my hand and took me to look after the containers, I really fall this time for him so hard, wanted him to be my side, I hear gun sound from W1, right at the moment a bomb was blasted near to our place, I fall forcefully, Jack fall aside I see that, he was unconscious, there wasn't any blood from his body, it's because of sudden panic. within a short period of time, he was conscious.

I and Jack went to see, I see all the women in the containers, were dead in the bomb blast, it is terrible to watch the seen, I felt regrated, that why couldn't save them, I was crying by seeing the bodies.

Jack took me to the home, I was so silent.


When I came from my home, I see Marc and W1 talking each other, I listened all the conversation, earlier I wanted to stay out from the things, I remembered my mom, who kidnapped her and got died by don, As I don't want this to happen with them, I took the gun from Marc's wardrobe, went to the location as I set the tracker to their car before they leave to rescue them.

I was just reached the building, which is near to the port, I went to terrace, and watching what happening there, when I see the things were going out of the hands, I reached to the place and pointed the gun on him, I asked W1 to take care of it.

I and Marc went to find the container, as because of sudden blast I fall unconscious, when I see the Marc's face it is terrible, I see the tears were running out from his eyes, I could see him in that situation, I took him to the home.

I went to ask him to have dinner to his room, I see that he was dressed up and seems like going out, I tried to stop him, but he went to helipad, where is helicopter was standing and read to take off, I felt something bad going to happen if he leaves, I followed to him.

He tried to stop me, but I didn't listen to him, hop on to it, I put the seat belt, as I was really feared of heights, I was watching down though it was midnight, I see the light from the high, I was scared by watching down.

Marc observed me, holds my hand tight, We both reached Sukhothai, he took me to his farmhouse, we both went inside, I prepared food for him, as he didn't eat from the morning due to tension, when I took the food to his room, I see that he was sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to disturb him, I too went to sleep with him.

When I opened my eyes in the morning, I see that Marc was not beside me, I looked all around his place, I didn't find the chopper, I asked maid about Marc, she said that "today early in the morning he left and asked to give the letter to you."

I took the letter from her, I opened and seen that,

"From today I am letting you to go, you can go wherever you want, can do whatever you want, but be happy, don't ever come back to me."

I didn't get why did he do it, with this shitty life where I don't have anyone, don't know for whom should I stay alive, at earlier I wanted to be free from Marc, but now he left me in this situation, that I don't know what to do now.