My Manager


I and wang were going in the car, as he got some important call from someone, he stopped his car aside and get down from the car and went to talk. 

I was looking around the window, I see a person who is wearing black Huddie, and walking suspiciously, I get down from the car and said to Wang that will be coming within 10 mins, as he is busy in talking he just nodded his head.

I have been watching that person and following them from behind, they just turned towards me where I hide myself behind the walls, they started moving within few minutes I reached to the place where it is crowded, I see that person removed the Huddie, after seeing them I was shocked, as there is a boxing match going on, it was a girl who is about to fight.

As it is illegal match, no photos were allowed there, I just took out my mobile and took the pictures, she is so stunning and fierce in her eye, just attracted me in always, I got a call from Wang, though I wanted to stay I didn't had the chance, I left the place.

once I reached the car, we both went and started having drinks, I see that Wang was drink glass by glass, he won't stopping drinking, I just remembered the day when both Wang and Dean meet, they both were drunk and had their sweet night, I wanted to see if Wang stands in front of what he is going to do.

I sent the live location as I wanted to Dean come to pickup us, after that I started having drinks more, when we couldn't have drinks, we paid the bill and went out, we reached to the car, Wang took the car keys from his pocket, I see that he was trying to open the car door, as the key fell off, he tried to pickup the key he suddenly slipped himself, I see that, Wang came and hold him up.


I reached the location as Dolly sent, I have seen Dolly standing at the car, I went to her, where a man was about to fall off, I went to them hold them I see that this is the same person whom I have met him at vacation. I hold him up.

Dolly was screaming when she saw us both, I took them both into the car, I drive them to our place, I took Dolly to her room, where Wang was still sleeping in the car, I took him to my room, I removed all his accessories, I was about to cover the bedsheet, he dragged towards me, and hold me tight, I was so close to his face, I feel the breathe which is touching all my face, I was clearly hearing my heart beat, I was galloping the saliva, slowly he opened his eyes, he was staring into my eyes with such close, he wrapped his fingers hand around my neck and dragged me to him, he started to kiss me, I couldn't oppose him. I feel his hands all over my body, after few minutes, he slowly falls into sleep.

I went out from my bedroom and went straight to the sofa and slept. I was unable to sleep why he is with Dolly, how they both know each other, did she saw us in vacation, it's not possible ."Oh oo, I am unable to sleep."



I opened my eyes, see that I was sleeping in a room, don't know who bring me, I checked myself. all my things were on the table, everything is there, I took it and went out from the room, I see that no one is there in the house. I see that door is opened I just went out, it's a condominium, as it is early in the morning one are around, I booked the cab and went to my place.

I was taking the bath suddenly in a flash I remembered that I kissed the person, "Oh, shit Wang why do you do such things when you are drunk, even in the vacation because of that person or due to the drink I had I don't know I spent the night with him, yesterday I have repeated the same thing, I didn't even know the person face, I just remember that kissing on lips."

I feel embarrassed, I had my breakfast and went to the office, when I entered I see everyone are discipline and calm, after few seconds all of the sudden I hear noises, I went to out from the cabin, I see girls are retouching the makeup, some boys are irritated and some boys are blushing.

I went to Dolly and asked what going on in the office, 

"No nothing just normal thing, after 2 days, one of the employee is coming back to the work." (Dolly)

"What! who is that? boys and girls were excited, what so special?" (Wang)

"Hmm, when he comes you will see it directly, one thing I have forgotten to tell you.

his work timings are different, in the basement he has his workspace, he alone uses that area, he is the main pillar of my company, without him I don't have made this big, no one dare to questions for him, everything disciplined, workaholic, bit introvert." (Dolly)

Oh, is he really that good, let me see them what he is capable. I went to work and checking all the files, I was talking with all employees about how to develop the connections with the people and how to attract new customers, I finished the meeting, everyone are about to go to their places, I see that all sudden messages popped up in every phone, I asked one of the employees about it.

"It was a group message."

"Why everyone are excited, add me to the group chat." (Wang)

As she doesn't had any choice she added me, she left to the work. Within few minutes everyone were texting about the person whose Dolly was said to me. I wanted to check about the person, I seen the message as he is there at the basement, I went there standing aside, all girls were watching him as they were about to eat him alive.

I peeked inside the room, where I see his back, Which is like a mountain big and huge, he has a ponytail, where everything was matching with is body, I just went out from the place, I was in confusion why I went to see that person.

After 30 minutes, I went into the cabin I see that Dolly was waiting with a person, who is the same guy where I watched him before 30 minutes, where he is facing to the window.

"Oh, he is our new investor, he is stay here few days, until every situation is back to normal." (Dolly)

He turned towards me, I was in shock after seeing his face.