Chapter 16: Meeting King Chen again

  Jiang Xun didn't understand what she wanted to do for a moment, so he could only raise his head slightly.

  When he raised his head, the red mark on his right cheek scratched by Shen Shu'er was clearly visible.

  Shen Baiyu said: "Don't move."

  Shen Baiyu opened the desk drawer and took out a bottle of white jade concealer given by her aunt Wang. She dipped some flesh-colored ointment and applied it bit by bit on Jiang Xun's face to cover the scars that had not yet healed.

  Jiang Xun froze. He didn't expect that Shen Baiyu would actually apply medicine to him!

  The girl's fingers dipped in ointment brought a hint of warmth and gently touched Jiang Xun's face. Jiang Xun smelled a faint scent of ointment and the refreshing scent of white plums.

  She gave me the medicine herself?

  She, a wealthy lady, is applying medicine to a servant?

  This medicine is extremely precious, but she is willing to...

  An idea penetrated Jiang Xun's mind at an unstoppable speed. He thought, does Shen Baiyu like me?

  Jiang Xun had no doubt about his charm. Among the useless princes of Yue Kingdom, he was the most handsome. When he was a child, he also used this beautiful skin to deceive rivals for the throne one after another, from the desolate and cold palace to the peak of imperial power.

  Jiang Xun raised his eyebrows slightly, the two of them were very close, and Jiang Xun could clearly see Shen Baiyu's small, palm-sized face. Although she is thin, Shen Baiyu's facial features are still quite beautiful. If she could be a little fatter, her appearance would definitely be no worse than that of Shen Shu'er.

  The two of them had their own thoughts, and as time passed by, the rhubarb outside the house began to bark again.

  Shen Baiyu finally put down the ointment, looked at Jiang Xun for a moment, and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good."

  Sure enough, I was right, this Jiang Xun did have an extremely outstanding face.

  The scars on his face were temporarily covered, and the handsome and handsome face was revealed. She has sharp eyebrows, a high nose bridge under her dark eyes, and smooth and perfect cheek contours. Even wearing the most ordinary nursing home uniform can't hide her outstanding temperament.

  Shen Baiyu has lived two lifetimes, and this Jiang Xun can be regarded as the most handsome man she has ever seen.

  Shen Baiyu was even more satisfied: "Has anyone ever said that you are beautiful?"

  Jiang Xun lowered his eyes: "Yes."

  As expected, Shen Baiyu has taken a liking to me, which is a good thing. The third lady of the General's Mansion is at my disposal, and it will benefit the plan without any harm.

  Shen Baiyu put the plaster bottle back on the desk: "Have you ever heard of Qingtaifang?"

  Jiang Xun was shocked, Qingtaifang?

  Could it be that Shen Baiyu has discovered his relationship with Qingtaifang? Impossible, the news that he entered Qingguo is top secret, and it is impossible for anyone to know that he is the mastermind behind Qingtai Fang.

  Jiang Xun said nothing, with doubts in his heart, but he only heard Shen Baiyu say slowly: "Get dressed up tomorrow and come with me to the Prime Minister's Mansion. I want you to seduce Jiang Yan."

  Jiang Xun:...

  Shen Baiyu said seriously: "If you don't want to, I will sell you to Qingtaifang. With your good looks, you will definitely get a good price."

  Jiang Xun:...

  "Shen Baiyu likes him" "Shen Baiyu discovered his identity", all his previous guesses instantly collapsed. He found that he could never figure out Shen Baiyu's thoughts. What kind of mess was in this yellow-haired girl's head?

  One moment I want to throw him away, and the next moment I want to sell him.

  After thinking about it a thousand times, Jiang Xun finally chose to bow his head: "I will obey the young lady's orders."

  Shen Baiyu raised the corners of his lips: "That's it. Take a hot bath tonight and wash yourself clean. Come with me to visit the Prime Minister's Mansion tomorrow."

  Jiang Xun closed his eyes: "...Yes."

  For the sake of his great cause, he endured.



  The flower viewing banquet at the Prime Minister's Mansion is scheduled for the morning, and all the prominent families in the capital are invited. An invitation was also received from the General's Mansion, and Tantai wanted to go, but she had been having a cold war with Shen Zhenshan recently, hiding in the house all day and going on a hunger strike.

  However, the General's Office must not refuse an invitation from the Prime Minister's Office, otherwise it will arouse criticism from outside and make people think that the two governments are at odds.

  Finally, let the girls and young men at home go.

  Shen Shu'er originally didn't want to go. She and Jiang Yan had always had a bad relationship. But after hearing that King Chen actually accepted the post, Shen Shuer immediately agreed to go.

  Shen Baiyu rarely participated in such social activities between mansions, but this time she accepted the post for the first time. Jade was the happiest. She took Shen Baiyu and sat at the dressing table and started to dress up: "Miss, you should go to more banquets in various mansions and show your face more. Now the outside world only knows that there are the Second Miss and the Fifth Miss in the General's Mansion, but they don't know about the three of us. Where's the lady?"

  Shen Baiyu had just gotten up and was drowsy. Jade almost fell asleep several times while dressing her up.

  After washing up, Shen Baiyu held the warm soup lady in her arms and went to check Jiang Xun's dress. Jiang Xun changed into a brand new black nursing uniform today. The collar and cuffs were embroidered with silver auspicious cloud patterns. A maroon pebbled belt was tied around his waist, and a nursing sword was worn diagonally. He has neat black hair and high prickly hair, sharp phoenix eyes, and an excellent temperament.

  Jade's eyes widened at the sight, and she even praised Jiang Xun as being more handsome than the protagonist in the storybook.

  Shen Baiyu was extremely satisfied: "Let's go, follow me to the Prime Minister's Mansion to meet Miss Jiang. You can carry the gift box."

  Jiang Xun silently picked up the gift box and gently ground his molar teeth.

  At the entrance of the General's Mansion, a luxurious carriage was already waiting. Shen Baiyu got into the carriage and saw Shen Shuer with bulging cheeks.

  The carriage moved, shaking slightly.

  In the carriage, Shen Shuer was still losing her temper and deliberately ignored Shen Baiyu. Shen Baiyu was happy and leisurely, flipping through the storybook page by page.

  The atmosphere in the car was quiet, and Shen Shuer gradually became unable to sit still. She already looked very angry. What is the third sister's attitude? Third sister, won't you apologize to her?

  Shen Shuer even noticed that Shen Baiyu was actually wearing a particularly beautiful light green spring skirt with patterned cloud brocade today, covered with a thin layer of plain trousers. Shen Baiyu was already thin and fair-skinned, and this dress made her even more delicate.

  Shen Shuer said angrily: "Third sister, when did you go to Qingtaifang to buy a spring skirt? How many did you buy? Why didn't you call me?"

  Shen Baiyu ignored her.

  Shen Baiyu knew Shen Shu'er very well. Shen Shu'er was attracted to her spring dress and wanted to keep it for herself.

  Shen Shuer always had a habit of taking whatever she liked.

  Seeing that Shen Baiyu was silent, Shen Shuer thought that Shen Baiyu had a guilty conscience, so she pouted and said, "Third sister, you don't look good in this spring dress. You will definitely be laughed at by them when you get to the Prime Minister's Mansion later. "

  Shen Baiyu raised his head: "Be quiet."

  Shen Shu'er gave a long snort: "Third sister, you are getting more and more annoying... Shu'er doesn't like you anymore."

  Shen Shuer was like a superior judge, and it seemed that being disliked by her was a particularly serious matter.



  The garden of the Prime Minister's Mansion is full of spring.

  Gurgling water flows through the garden, and girls in gorgeous clothes play on swings and make tea. Separated by a thin gauze curtain, young people from Beijing gathered together, drinking and having fun. Occasionally, they would argue poems through gauze curtains, and men and women would look at each other secretly.

  Among the male guests, the one who attracted the most attention was naturally King Chen Li Jingheng. He was born in a noble family and was very high-spirited. He had not yet married a concubine. He was a high-ranking figure that countless girls in the boudoir wanted to climb up to.

  In the pavilion by the stream, Li Jingheng was unhappy and drank several sips of apricot flower wine. The young man in rich clothes beside him smiled and said: "Your Highness, you just lost a bet, why should you take it to heart? Shen Baiyu is very infatuated with you, maybe something has delayed him."

  Li Jingheng's face turned even worse.

  He waited at the mansion all morning that day, but failed to wait for the Wang Dingji steamed buns delivered by Shen Baiyu. He lost the bet and lost face. Li Jingheng originally thought that Shen Baiyu would definitely send it again the next day.

  I waited again the next morning, but still didn't see Shen Baiyu...

  Not only that, Shen Baiyu rarely left the general's house, and no longer gave Li Jingheng interesting gadgets. Li Jingheng felt extremely unhappy. He had planned to go on an outing with Shen Shuer, Shen An, to Zhuangzi in the suburbs, but he broke the appointment due to frustration.

  But he is a noble royal family, how can he go to the general's mansion to question Shen Baiyu? Li Jingheng had no choice but to suppress his annoyance in his heart and drink sadly.

  "Your Highness, look who that is!" Several young men shouted.

  Li Jingheng raised his eyes impatiently and glanced at the entrance of the garden. At this glance, the white jade fan in Li Jingheng's hand almost fell to the ground - the girl in the green skirt was actually Shen Baiyu?

  In my impression, Shen Baiyu has a sallow complexion, is thin, dry and timid. She always wears plain clothes and dresses, and her whole person is sullen. Privately, several wealthy men around Li Jingheng called Shen Baiyu "little old lady" just because she dressed in an old-fashioned way and looked thin.

  But today, Shen Baiyu actually wore an exquisite blue skirt and a beautiful bun with hanging clouds. Probably because people rely on clothes, she has a rare brightness for girls. Although her eyebrows are still distant and cold, it makes her even more beautiful. The elegance of planting spring buds in the snow.

  "Why didn't I realize before that the third young lady of the Shen family is not bad looking either."

  "It's a pity that he is too thin."

  "Your Highness, King Chen, congratulations." The young man in fine clothes joked, "Miss Shen's third daughter rarely attends banquets at the mansion. Today she dressed up in a fancy dress, and she was carrying an exquisite box behind her. She must have some intentions. "

  As for who is in the picture? it goes without saying.

  The box that the guardian is carrying must be an apology gift to King Chen.

  Thinking of this, the irritability that had been building up in Li Jingheng's heart dissipated a bit with the appearance of Shen Baiyu. Li Jingheng held his favorite white jade fan as usual and pretended to drink, waiting for Shen Baiyu to come to the pavilion and present her carefully prepared gift.

  The spring breeze of March blew, and the fragrance of the garden floated. A light green figure passed through the crowd and appeared in Li Jingheng's peripheral vision. Li Jingheng held the small wine glass and tasted it briefly. He closed his white jade fan and tapped the marble table rhythmically.

  Shen Baiyu is here.

  Her steps were very fast and hurried, and the green skirt spread out with layers of green ripples along with her hurried steps. Maybe she rarely wore long skirts and needed to lift the skirt from time to time. The wind chimes hanging on the pavilion swayed, and Li Jingheng saw Shen Baiyu's slender figure getting closer and closer.

  The wind chimes in the pavilion jingled and the gauze curtains swayed and flew. Shen Baiyu walked quickly through the pavilion, barely stopping for half a step.

  The white jade fan paused.

  The drinking movement stopped.

  The smile on the corner of Li Jingheng's mouth seemed to be frozen, and Shen Baiyu just passed him by without even an extra glance.

  This was not the Shen Baiyu he had in mind.

  Several nobles who were watching the excitement were also stunned. Is Shen Baiyu blind? She didn't see such a big living person like His Highness King Chen?

  I saw Shen Baiyu hurriedly holding up the hem of her skirt and walking quickly to the moon gate of the garden. She seemed to think of something, stopped for a moment, and turned around.

  "The third young lady of the Shen family finally looked back. She must have walked too fast just now." The handsome young man said with a smile.

  Li Jingheng squeezed the white jade fan tightly and breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

  Shen Baiyu turned around and walked back, seemingly heading towards the pavilion. Li Jingheng's handsome features once again showed aloof arrogance, like a king waiting to pay tribute.

  Unexpectedly, Shen Baiyu just turned back and walked a few steps in a hurry, holding the arm of Jiang Xun, the nurse: "Walk faster!"

  Jiang Xun was reluctant to seduce Jiang Yan and walked slowly along the way. Shen Baiyu saw that he was working hard and warned in a low voice: "Believe it or not, I will sell you to Qingtaifang?"

  Jiang Xun:...

  I will endure!

  Shen Baiyu dragged the reluctant Jiang Xun towards the yard of Miss Jiang Yan of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

  The garden was still lively. The noble ladies happily competed with the noble men in throwing pots, and the scene was filled with laughter and laughter.

  Li Jingheng put down his wine glass. The wealthy young men around him looked at each other, and no one dared to speak.



  Shen Baiyu galloped all the way and finally arrived at Jiang Yan's yard. She lowered her head and took a look at the light green dress and decided not to wear such flashy skirts in the future. It would be easy to step on the hem of the skirt if she walked too fast. As soon as she arrived at the door of the courtyard, she heard an angry argument coming from inside, and then Prime Minister Jiang walked out of the courtyard with his sleeves rolled up.

  Shen Baiyu saluted: "Well, Uncle Jiang."

  Prime Minister Jiang waved his hand and passed Jiang Xun.

  Jiang Xun's eyebrows drooped slightly. Prime Minister Jiang, who was so powerful in the Daqing Kingdom, was also one of the pieces on his chessboard that was about to be eliminated.

  Shen Baiyu walked into Jiang Yan's yard. The yard was spacious and bright. The front door was filled with Jiang Yan's favorite begonia flowers, clusters of which fell like red clouds. Shen Baiyu pushed the door open and entered the room. Jiang Yan was still lying on the desk crying.

  Shen Baiyu called her tentatively: "Miss Jiang?"

  Jiang Yan raised her tear-stained face and rushed over aggrievedly: "Bai Yu!!"

  She hugged Shen Baiyu and whined.

  She just missed Hanarokuro and wanted to visit Qingtaifang, but was severely scolded and refused by Prime Minister Jiang. Jiang Yan cried and said: "Bai Yu, my father is just an old fool, always talking about Liu Lang's identity. What I love is Liu Lang, I don't care about his identity. He is a prince, I will love him; he is a beggar, I love him too. As the storybook says, asking what love is in the world can tell you whether life and death are together."

  Shen Baiyu patted Jiang Yan's shoulder comfortingly and gave Jiang Xun a look to indicate that he was ready.

  Jiang Xun reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth.

  Shen Baiyu took Jiang Yan's hand: "The sunshine is very good today. Don't stay in the house all the time. Let's go to the yard to bask in the sun. Hua Liulang will definitely feel bad if he knows that you are bored in the house all day."

  Jiang Yan sniffed: "Okay, I'll take you to see the Begonia flowers. Liulang loves Begonia flowers as much as I do."

  Jiang Yan stood up holding her skirt. Shen Baiyu stepped on the hem of her skirt without leaving any trace. Jiang Yan was caught off guard and was about to fall down. At the critical moment, Jiang Xun, who was well prepared, stretched out his long arms and reluctantly wrapped his arms around Jiang Yan's waist.

  The hem of the skirt is flying, the black hair is slightly scattered, and the red hairpin is swaying.

  The beauty falls and the hero grabs her waist - a beautiful scene that only appears in story books.

  The air seemed to be stagnant, and Jiang Yan's beautiful almond eyes widened. Jiang Xun held Jiang Yan firmly, lowered his head, and mechanically recited the lines that Shen Baiyu had told him in advance: "Miss Jiang, be careful."