Chapter 15: Nobles and commoners.

Ivan Eddy

'Why did that kid have to be that strong. No way, that Melvin must have just been way to weak. But no problem, he may be strong but I'm sure by now his family is dead by now.'

As we were bidding farewell to our families, I kept an eye on that little brat and assigned my families gauss to get rid of him and nobody would know since nobody from the family escorted me apart from the guards.


Following their master's wishes, the Eddy family guards had tailed the Randells on their way back to Aden.

Once they were in a forest they had masked themselves and hidden the Eddy's family crest.

Meanwhile in the Randells cart a peculiar conversation was taking place.

"I don't think just killing them would be enough, how about we have a little fun." Silvia said.

"Well that would be great as long as we get to toy with them for a bit after all making an attempt on one's life does not come easy, it's time those noble scum learn not to play around with people's live."

And suddenly mist begun to appear around them, the moonlight became dimmer.

"This is the perfect opportunity, get ready to slay them." The captain of the group said.

And they stopped their cart and got out, the got into the woods and headed to the Randell's cart. Thru all dispersed and approached the cart from different directions but out of the group of eight only six got to the middle and when they got to the cart, on further inspection the cart was empty.

This all confusing to them and meanwhile those who had yet to arrive were frozen.

"Split up and look for them in the woods, they might be trying to run away."

They each went into the woods. One of them had found the frozen bodies, they were not yet dead but before he could warn the rest he too froze. The other kept searching for the Randell and one by one they got frozen except their captain who kept running in the woods and after not finding them he begun heading back bur he was stopped by a choice behind him.

"Looking for us." Silvia said from behind him in a tiny voice. When he turned back he saw Silvia standing behind him with the moonlight hitting her beautiful face.

He smiled and begun walking towards her.

"As a matter of fact, yes." He said.

But just as he was about to place his hands on her his hand was impaled by a light construct. He screamed loudly out of the pain he was feeling in his arm.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my wife." Lark said as he came out if the trees behind him.

"Do you know who I am? If you try anything funny you'll regret it." He said body.

'All I can do now is stall for time, once the other guards arrive we can take them down.' He thought to himself.

"Are you stalling for time?" Silvia asked in a mocking tone. "Don't waste your breath, nobody will be arriving anytime soon."

And after saying that Lark brought out the frozen human statues. All the knights had been frozen but were still breathing.

"if you had not tried anything then you all might have been headed home right now to your families."

One after the other Silvia beheaded them until she got to the captain.

After killing them Lark burned all their corpses.

"I hate it when people with power choose to abuse it. What family planned this?" Silvia asked.

"It's the Eddy family and not the whole of it, it was one of the students according to what I found out from them." Lark answered. "The funny thing is the reason is because Aldin beat one of the family's descendants and they were sent to get rid of us."

"I am happy that he won but I hope he doesn't get to angry and forget to suppress his powers, if he goes berserk, we might just have to flee the kingdom."

"All we can do is hope. It's all up to him though."

And so after confirming no evidence had been left behind they continued their journey back to Aden.

Leon Corvus

In the evening after the admittance of the first years I called for a meeting with professor Bloom.

"What do you think about this batch." I asked.

"Most of them have potential." She answered. "And the most outstanding of them is Aldin Randell' he has great power, is tri attributed and didn't even show all his strength in the exam."

"Well that's good to here."

"And that's not all I think he's stronger than Darvin."

"I agree with that, he even won his battle without moving a step."

"But isn't it odd, he seems to be suppressing his power, I'd like to see him go out."

"Then ill ask Kyle to do something about it."

"But isn't that a bit excessive, you know how he is about combat potential."

"Then how about his house mates?"

"That's unlikely, those kids are all the same, they also wouldn't want to show their full strength."

"You have a point, then we'll just have to wait until he gets into a fight."

Unknowns to us he had gotten into one that same evening and beaten a second year.

From the report we had gotten, it was one sided and all because some students had messed with meal. And now I could feel my premonition warning of upcoming disasters.

I shared the report with professor Bloom and according to her it seemed noble had been acting out at a powerful commoner.

"To think that history would repeat itself."

"I'm not surprised this would happen, I hope the one in the middle of it this time learns from his mistake and doesn't make an enemy from him."

"You and me both."

"And speaking of Darvin, when are the third years getting back."

"They'll be back in a month at most."

Aldin Randell

After dinner we walked back to the dorm chatting, and according to them Darvin had been quite the reputation in the academy that he had even been dubbed the strongest and even Barrian and Terias were unable to beat him. This relit the passion I had to rise in power.

The following day I decided to walk around the school and get used to seeing the faculties and according to what I saw the school was quite advanced, it had great equipment and facilities.

Ivan Eddy

After the incident during dinner we were freed. During to embarrassment I had felt, my anger had risen. Now I would have to get help from someone strong, which meant it had to be a strong forth year but I couldn't pick the tops since they seemed to be affiliated to Aldin.

When I got back to the dorm I waited in the lobby and after asking around there was a particularly strong student among the fourth years who bore noble blood and luckily belonged to a low tier noble family. After waiting for a long time he came in, I walked up to him.

"You must be Derrick." After approaching

"and who are you."

"I'm someone with a business proposal." I said and immediately a devilish smile formed on his face.

"I'm listening" he said.

"I'd like you to educate a little brat for me."

"And what do I get in return."

"Well, I'm sure a recommendation from the Eddy family would help your career if you wish to join the mages corps."

After sometime, "you have a deal." He said.

"Then how about we get it done tomorrow."

Aldin Randell

As I was going through the school, I wondered into the arena and when I got in I met one of the professors.

"What do you think about the arena?" He asked.

" I think it's great."

"And something as good this should not be left unused, why don't we have a spar."

" I don't think id be able to be the perfect match for you."

"I appreciate your curtesy, but I'd like to see how good a tier two tri elemental adventurer fights."

"I m sorry but I would still like to decline your offer, in the future I am willing to give it a go though."

"I accept your reasoning, but I would like to warn you, unless you teach those stuck up nobles what power means then they'll keep on bothering you."

'It seems word travels fast around here.' I thought to myself.

"Don't be shocked, after your little show all the staff already knows about you little scuffle and great mages stick together. But don't harm them way more than required, or else it might be an issue otherwise you can be sure ill back you up." He said to me.

The advise the professor had given me stuck in my head an on my way i was confronted by a tall bulky student.