Chapter 37


The blood twins tailed the academy carts some distance behind. When they came to q halt they too stopped. When the Aldin and Darvin got off the cart and went into the woods, the twins followed too and observed them as they fought.

"If we take on the both of them we'll create a ruckus." Nell, one of the twins said.

"Then we'll just split them up and take out one then deal with the other." Dale said.

"Agreed." They said in unison.

But at they were too close to the guards so they were not able to do anything.

Aldin and Dalvin went back to the carts and picked up the carcasses as they went. When that came back they began heading in deeper into the woods.

"We can use this chance to separate them." Nell said as he pointed to the hill side, there was a small path at the edge of the hill. "We can drop one of them down to the side."

"Bur what if the he climbs back up." Dale asked.

"Leave that to me just drop one of them to the side, I'll deal with the rest." Nell said and left off to the bottom of the hill while Dale continued following the Aldin and Darvin.

After a several minutes Nell was back and at that time the two were walking on the side of the hill.

"Drop them." Nell said. "Everything is ready."

Dale proceeded to cause the ground below Darvin who was at the edge of the path to fall. Once they confirmed his descent they got out of their hiding and went towards Aldin.

Sadly for them they had only seen him use water and lightning and thus thought that water was his only element, truly luck of knowledge would lead to their downfall.

Nell jumped at Aldin and fired a fire ball at him while Dale used his magic to make the ground below him muddy and sink him into the ground. Nell's had successfully hit but Aldin was left undamaged, seeing this Dale fired earth spike which Aldin simply punched breaking them. As Aldin was about to pounce on Dale but a barrage of fire balls came his way, he blocked them using an ice shield, but Nell was not yet done, in his hands were concentrated flames, when he fired them they came at him at an astonishing speed and they hit him, they were hotter than all the others but they failed to cause any damage since he was wearing his armour but it begun to shatter.

"This is it!" Aldin shouted at the top of his lungs since the armour he was wearing had been crafted for him by his mother and them breaking it was the last straw, Nell's attacks kept on hitting and suddenly a large wall of ice had appeared out of nowhere.

"Move in before he escapes!" Dale shouted but never had he ever been so wrong.

Nell took heed of Dale's words and used fire to propel himself up and he was met by Aldin who was staring up at him with a finger pointed at him, lightning came from Aldin's finger and made a hole through his chest killing him in an instant. His body fell to the ground and Dale who saw this knew he was next, although he was angered at his brother's death he knew he could not be able block that attack and the only other option was to run but before he got the opportunity to escape, he was encased in iced and then a bolt of lightning had gone through his head the next second. They would have been able to survive if they had gone all out from the beginning but their failure to do so had led to their demise.

Aldin was done at his end.

Darvin Talor

When I landed I was face to face with a pack of wolves and they were all agitated. Without waiting a second they pounced at me, I raised an ice wall to block them away. Those that had managed to jump above the wall I shot with ice arrows and even after that they were still many more left. As I was dealing with those that had been pouncing, other begun climbing his ice wall, to deal with them, I formed lances on it killing a few. From where I had fallen from, I could here the sound of lightning, whatever was happening up there I had to finish first and go help Aldin in whatever he was facing, since all of them were just attributed beast killing them would be instant and I would get somewhere to teat out my spell, lightning shower, but it too some time to prepare.

I covered the top of the shield to prevent any more beast from attacking and begin preparing and as I was, the beasts begun banging at the ice shield it almost broke my spell was ready, the air around begun to crack an bolts of lightning. They died instantly, now I had to go up and check on Aldin, I used a flight spell to get up and when I got there I was horrified at the scene, around Aldin were two corpses.

Aldin had told me how he had almost died at the hands of a psychopath, events like that could change one, although I understood the reason for his actions.

'Seems that day must have been tough on him.' I thought to myself as I walked to him.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

Without even saying a word he turned round and hugged me and I could see the tears flow down his face. Even though he had to do it, I'm sure it was all out of necessity. I took him back to the carts and asked the guards to go pick the carcasses since Aldin was not in a state to do so.

We headed back to the academy soon after and on the way the cart's rocking put Aldin to sleep.