Chapter 53


After the party ended, Aldin and Darvin left for their mansion.

"It was fun, wasn't it?" Aldin said.

"Yeah." Darvin said but half-heartedly.

"Is there anything wrong?" Aldin asked worried by the tone Darvin used.

"Nothing, I just can't wait to see my mum." Darvin said making Aldin miss his parents too. While they were in the academy outside communication was not allowed meaning that their loved ones would have to wait for an entire four years to be able to see them.

"I'm sure there fine." Aldin said, sure, but sad. When they got to their mansion they each immediately went to sleep.

The following morning they woke up fully rested and were welcomed by the principal who was waiting for them at the table.

"Today we head out together but I'm taking Darvin and Aldin you will have to work it out alone.' The principal said. "I know you might be confused by this but this is because you have the ability to come up with the most brilliant ideas, and guiding you will somewhat hinder your growth and you don't have anything to worry will be close by, but be careful with your runes, they are already very powerful as they are."

After taking their breakfast they left and went to the woods together. After dropping Aldin some distance form where they would be, they went to their usual spot.

Aldin sat down cross legged on the ground and activated subzero. The air around him became extremely cold. This spell was one capable of lowering the temperature of the area. The area of effect was quite large.

'If I could use it in a specified are it would be quite effective for battle'. Aldin thought to himself and began to work on doing so. After a while he was able to cause the rune to affect a specific area but he had to work a lot on it for it to be able to only affect a small area.

Darvin and the principal joined him for lunch. They were amazed by his great growth.

"I want to work on it so that it can have an effect similar to frost touch." Aldin said which caused both the principal and Darvin to sigh, they both had worked hard on magic but Aldin seemed to defy even the most basic knowledge, and they were happy for him, master and friend were inspired buy this, to make him proud of knowing them, that even Leon was willing to improve.

The meal went on silent and Darvin and the principal headed back to their training.

'I have to make this work.' Aldin thought to himself.

Aldin activated his rune and this time and blocked its effects, this was to allow him to meticulously control it. He gauged it and was able to affect the surface of a tree but he soon lost control and the rune went on auto pilot affecting a whole are again. He tried it again and was able to affect a small area for some more time, he continued so and was able to prolong the time he could use it little by little. The next day he repeated the same exercise and was finally able to completely control it.

'I have no time to start the other one, why don't I do some experiments with the power he said and he went into the forest. Isolating the area, I was able to perfect it. We left and when we got to the academy we had our dinner and I went back to my room. As I was getting ready to sleep I saw the book professor Kyle had given him.

'I never got to take a look at it.' He thought to himself.

He picked the book and began going through it, it had a collection of some sophisticated combat styles, and he had taken interest in a few of them. But found difficulty choosing among them and after a tough internal debate he had chosen ice kings dance they were all martial arts with strong capabilities but due to being busy with rune training he could but only put it away for later.

The next day, began training on his second rune, hedge hogs reign, he planned to focus on producing the spikes from only a selected part of his body. After several hours of practice he was able to control to his back, the earth would accumulate a top of his clothes and begin to fire, after working hard on it, he was finally able to fire them from the tip of his finger, they were bigger and stronger than those that were mass produced making them a much more lethal weapon. Next he worked on the thunder god rune, it was hard to control the thunders area of effect, but as he embarked on it, Darvin completed his training on his runes and went on to rune smithing. Aldin continue with his practice on thunder god until he was finally able to control them and they now looked like snakes circling him ready to strike on command. For the other two runes he had no need to since they were easy to control. It had taken him two months to complete his rune mastery while it had taken Darvin three months to fully master his rune spells.

After finally completing his rune spell classes, he had been given the rest of the day off, and instead of resting he took out the book he had received from Professor Kyle. The ice king's dance was a series of quick movements that were quick and used the water attributes ice and was divided into four forms. After reading through the first from he headed to the training area and began to practice them, as he performed those movements he could the power within it, his body would accumulate momentum and release it an instant on the targeted area. In the afternoon Darvin came by but after not finding Aldin in his room looked for him and found him in the training area.