chapter 55

Aldin's thoughts were interrupted by the beast's roar, and accompanying the roar was a breath of fire and had to jump back to avoid the hit. From his side he heard some whimpering, somebody was on the ground injured, the beast had also noticed her and was ready to pounce on her, but Aldin erected a wall to prevent it from reaching her and rushed towards her. He lifted her and carried her to the side, away from the beast that was ready to eat her. The bats tore down the wall in one swipe and began chasing them. Aldin was unable to attack it since he had to watch where he was running to, carry the woman in his arms and maintain the light construct. And it was starting to become too much for him since he was also exhausted from his hunt.

After getting some distance from the beast, he laid down the woman on the ground and dumped the carcasses next to her, broke the light construct and covered the with earth walls.

"I still have to kill that beats or else it will hut others." Aldin said to himself

He went back, headed to where the beast currently was.

Due to its large size, it was easy to notice it and that also made it harder for it to move due to various obstructions on its way.

"Aldin got to and caused a minor quake to cause it to fall down, but it didn't and instead jumped to him, he jumped to the side and forming an ice arrow, fired it at the bear but with one move of its paw it hit the arrow and blocked the attack and jumped again to Aldin, this time he used a lance and fired it fast but it too was deflected.

Aldin went under it to avoid getting his head bitten off and raised an Earth spike ready to strike its belly, but the bear had tough skin and was lifted up, it fell on its back and Aldin took this opportunity to activate his subzero rune.

Using great precision, he froze its joints and ice began to accumulate growing larger by the moment, in his hands he began to form alight flame but suddenly the joints burst into flame meting away the ice and pushing away Aldin with the force, the flam was still in his hands when he hit a tree behind him, it jumped back up and was ready to come at him but Aldin released the flame in his hand and it went towards the beasts maw, it went at light speed that the beats had no time to react.

The flame burnt its mouth, and its scars even began to fall off.

It took the hit hard and its anger skyrocketed, the scales on it became hardened and despite the skin of its maw being burnt it was spewing fire.

Reckless now, it jumped again to Aldin.

"IF you're going all out, then so am I." Aldin said.

He deactivated his subzero rune and moved on to thunder lord.

Thunder wriggled around him and as the bear was moving towards him, he fired one at it, the attack landed, and its body went numb.

'All talk are you. Huh.' Aldin thought to himself.

HE continued firing attacks at it, its maw had not been numbed and it was roaring out loud. The roar went out throughout the woods. And after ten strikes it died.

Darvin Talor

After Aldin left, I sat under the shade and took my time to rest and ended up dozing off. I woke up to the sound of panicked running, a group of four people were running, I stopped them when they were close enough.

"Why are you all running?" Darvin asked but hey took some time to catch their breath from all the running they had done.

"We were... a magical...beast." one of them said in between heavy breathing.

"What tier was it?" I asked.

"We don't...know, we just got...attacked." He said again.

"One of us was left behind to defend us." Another said.

"There was a boy we met on the way, he went where it was." The man said.

"Head to the outside of the woods, there's a guard from the academy, he'll take care of you." I said and headed to where he could hear roars from.


We were on our hunt for some catch to take to sell to the guild. After getting attacked by a magical beast we had to run away, Lily was unfortunately left behind as the rest made a run fro it, after meeting that kid we tried to convince him but he still ran ahead, now another kid was running forward, but since they were both from the academy maybe the could last a few minutes so that we could get away

"Even if he's from the academy, who do they think they are to go head first and attack the beast, he'll probably wet his pants when he finally meets it, let's head back and report to the guild." Mars, one of my team members said.

"But don' you think we should at least try to stop him, he can't have gotten there by now." Samantha, another of my team mates said.

"Who cares, we should focus on getting out of here." Mars said.

"He's just a kid, he might be playing hero." Samantha replied.

"I agree with her. Were the grown ups here, we should at least pull some weight." I said.

"Fine by me, I'm leaving you can go to your own deaths if you want but don't count m me in on your little suicide squad." Mars said and ran off.

"That damn narcissist, after bugging us to go deep in the woods he humps ship when things go south. We should have never asked him to join our team, and may be Lily would still be with us."

"There's no need to cry over spilt milk. Samantha, go get that kid, Arthur will go inform the guards about what happened and I'll head to the guild." I said and everyone got on. with there assignments.