Chapter 72

Aldin Randell 

'Is it really just that." it thought myself after getting the sudden realization. I tried it again, I brought out the mana. I could feel the force pulling mine away from me, I concentrated more on the force that was keeping mine in place, I was trying to get familiar with it. It felt as if it was part of me and I could feel the connection with it. 

After all my mana had been taken away by the air's mana, all I could think of was the feeling I had gotten from. I tried it again and as I brought out the mana, I felt that feeling once more, as the mana was in the air, I could feel my force in it. I concentrated more on that feeling and the mana began to dissipate less. The stronger I applied it the more it the man stayed on the air but after a couple of minutes I gave in and fell due to exhaustion. 

Darvin and I soon had dinner and both of us retired for the day due to heavy exhaustion for both of us. The next day we both went for the lesson and the prior venue. 

"Did you make any progress in yesterday?" Master asked. 

"Yes, I did. I found out that will is actually the effort my brain uses when bringing out mana." 

"Good, but you left out something important, can you tell him what it is." He said. 

"Yes, will is indeed the effort your brain uses to bring out the mana, and it is also your absolute control over it, with will you are able to issue commands to it." 

"What does that mean?" I asked confused. 

"It means you can make your spell without necessary needing to be there like commanding it only to fire when somebody is nearby." Darvin said/ 

"How does that work." I asked again. 

"Since I assume you already know how to apply the effort with your brain, all you need to do is think of a command, write it down, your understanding will be passed on to the spell. Now give it a try by bringing out water mana and a command it to change frow ice to mist on its own. Master said. 

I closed my eyes and recalled the feeling I had when practicing will, as I brough out the attributed mana I filled it with will and thought of the entire process. I assumed it was done but when it stopped nothing happened. 

"Why didn't it work?" I asked confused, 

"When you release your will, you should pre plan what you want it to do first." Master said. 

I closed my eyes this time and began contemplating the change of water from one state to another. The process came to mind and after being confident in doing it I released the mana and the will together. This time the will felt different, I could feel the meaning behind it. 

When I opened my eyes, I could see what I had imagined phasing through in reality. 

"Good job, now you should be able to use that to make your mana last as long as possible." Master said. Again, I went to the mansion, as I was about to go practice. Mars ran in. 

"Master, I was asking if my brother could come and stay here with me?" he asked. 

"Did you make amends with him." 

" Yes, I did." 

"Then he can come over as soon as possible, and don't worry about his education, he will be educated by the same tutor who taught you, go pick him up right now if you want, you'll share your room for the mean time." I said and went to practice magic. 

I kept on recalling all I had learnt from the professor. I practiced applying will onto my mana, then did a little practice on my spells as well, it was in fact easier when using spell, sometime after noon I went down and found Mars e=seated together with adventurers of the day I killed the strange beast, the guild master and Zack. 

"What brings you all here?' I asked. 

"Well, we wanted to see where Zack would be staying," Ariel said. 

"Yes, he'll be staying with Mars in the meantime until room is made." I said. "And if you'll excuse me, I have to be." and began walking to the study area. 

"Were you successful?" master asked. 

"Yes, I was, and since you can now use it for sufficient time, let's move on to forming arrays. Arrays are formed using symbols placed in a certain manner, they cause certain effects when combined, go look through some of the arrays from these books." he said as he handed over some books to Darvin and me. 


Back at the mansion Ariel, Sebastian, Arthur, Lily, Samantha and Zack were in awe. 

"You mean this is where those two kids stay." Ariel said. 

"Yes, and Zack and I will be moving in with them." 

"What do those kids have that make them so precious that the school provides them with such resource." Arthur commented looking around. 

"I have no idea, but from what I've had around, those two kids are really powerful mages." Mars said. 

"That kid was a mage!" Zack said, shocked. 

'Yes, and also my master." Mars said. 

The others would freak out when Mars would call Aldin master and most of all the change in his attitude, but they chose not to say a thing. 

"And how will he be going to school?" Sebastian asked. 

"There is no need, a tutor will be coming here t tach him just as he did me." Mars said. 

"He paid for your tutoring, he must be great" Ariel said 

"And what work do you even do here." Ariel asked. "Nothing much, currently I'm supposed to go to training and occasionally when I get the chance." Mars said. 

"I wish he had taken me instead." Lily said with a long deep sigh.