chapter 74

Aldin Randell

I went back to my room planned the array, then took some time to nap, so that I could recover my mental energy. I woke up three hours later. I went up to the training area. I sat cross legged and began for lighting for the house. I started by creating a circle outline for its are of effect, and now for the hardest part. I began adding light points all over the mansion and smaller circle outlines for the human detection. Then made some more in every room of the mansion. Once I was done I began making a power core and due to the size I had to make it strong enough to keep everything powered. It took me about ten whole minutes to complete it.

Once it was done the entire mansions area began to light up. I was pretty sure everyone could see this since it was nighttime And suddenly a calm gale went past me and put them out.

"Great work." I heard from behind me, I turned to fine Darvin there.

"Thank you." I said. " And what array did you practice.

" I made a cooling system for the heat then a detection array." HE said.

"That's awesome." I said.

"And right now we are going to have a guest." Darvin said and we made our way to the waiting area, after a few seconds master walked in.

"Good work on the detection array but you should probably lay a concealing array over it.

"Is it possible?" Darvin asked.


"And good work on your lighting array." he said to me.

"Thank you, it's nothing." I said. " And why are you here?" I asked.

"Since you have now officially finished your period as students of the academy." He said

This shocked both of us. We had not considered that since all we had thought of was practicing Array mastery.

"What do we do from now then?" Darvin asked.

"well that depends on you, but the school has an offer to you for your great achievements. Darvin with your help many of the students have been able to see the true meaning of power and I thank you. And thanks to you Aldin we have been able to realize that power can stretch beyond the horizons we see, your achievements have been recorded by the kingdom and they have given you a great gift. I assume Kyle gave it to you."

"What award?" I asked.

"He gave you a book on martial arts, that book contains some of the kingdoms greatest martial arts, normally it is preserved for those who have already sworn allegiance to the kingdom but due to your great work they have given it to you. I advice you not to share it to anyone but since you already did it for Darvin that is an exception."

"But why martial arts?" Darvin asked

"Because despite our bodies evolving they are not indestructible. If you who has great magic gains great combat abilities there is no telling what you can achieve."

"But why do they have to do all this." I asked.

"To gain your favor, they will be kind to you but my warning to both of you is don't give your whole to them, they will gnaw at you and use you the throw you away. Don't let them, you are to be careful at all times."

'Sadly I know that already.' I thought to myself.

"Then could you do me a favor?" I asked.

"It depends, what is it?" He asked.

"Only tell them of me being of water attribute." I asked.

"Sorry but that will not be possible." He said.

"Why?" I asked confused

"You have already caught the eyes of many and so such information is already known." He said.

"Okay." He said.

"And now for the offer. After completing your education you are required to complete a year of service to the kingdom the academy wishes for you to join it as temporary Professors although your services will not be paid you will get great benefits from it." He said. "take your time and think it through when you have a response you can tell me, goodbye." He finished and left.

We each took our diner and them left for our own rooms. We had to think it through.


The next day I woke up early excited to meet my new teacher. After breakfast I sat in the waiting area to wait for her. When she walked in I was genuinely surprised.

"Never expected for you to be hear." She said, it was the head teacher of the school incase previously in.

"It's nice to see you." I said trying to recover from my initial shock.

"Now shall we get on." She said and siting down next to me we began our lesson. Although it felt off due to our previous talk I put it aside during the lesson. I realized she was actually an excellent teacher. I enjoyed her lesson.

When the lesson ended the questions began.

"I know you might not want to answer this but I'm curious of how you got to this point." She asked.

"My brother works here and I recently moved in too." I said.

"And is that why you were dissociative at the school?" She asked. I thought it through, I was not happy not being with Masr, I missed him a despite all that had happened. This prompted my answer.

"yes, when he left to come to the academy I realized how much he meant to me." I said.

"Then I'm happy for you." She said and got up to leave but even thought it was faint I could see that her expression went to one of sadness that moment.

Mars walked in a few moments later. He had been clearing out the torches and candle holds that were in the house since they were now no longer on use.

"How was your lesson little guy?' Mars asked as he rubbed his hand on head.