Chapter 79


Leon went down and moments later so did Aldin, he ignored the others and went to his room.

"Is there anything wrong?" Barrin asked 

"No, there is nothing wrong." Darvin answered but at that moment he was not sure.

They continued talking and when it was late enough they all left adn went back to their dorm.

The next day Darvin woke up to go for his class, he expected Aldin to do so as well but he stayed din his room. Shortly after Darvin left Aldin too got out of his room.

HE went down for breakfast and went back to his room, for the rest of the week Aldin continued dodging Darvin but he wasn't able that on the next Monday evening as Darvin came back early and stayed in the dining area until the middle of the night waiting for Aldin to show up, he finally did. HE was famished and he had no the strength to wait for him to leave. Darvin was actually asleep. Aldin slowly crept to the dining area but the moment he took a step into the dining area. Darvin woke up with a star. He had placed a detection array under in the dining area in case he fell asleep. Now Aldin was staring at Aldin who also had a blank stare on his face.

"Why were you avoiding me?" Darvin asked. And Aldin remembered what he and the principal had discussed. After discussing about the issue with Celine they had moved on to a more delicate discussion.

"I don't think I should be telling you this, the academy might not be the best place for you stay for a year after, and you need someplace you can grow in that time." The principal had said.

"But can't I do that here." Aldin had said.

"You could but you would only be confined to what we know, there are places that can offer you more than we have here, think it through, and if you wish to change your mind tell me." The principal had said before going down stairs.

Aldin narrated all this to Darvin and he went silent, he had no answer for this.

"Then why don't you just take your meal, this is not something we can deal with now, we have a few months before you have to make that decision.

Aldin then proceeded to sit on the table but the food had become cold and he did not want to wake Mars. Using light magic, he used flame to worm it up.

"I never got to ask you this, but what did you get from advanced magic of your elements?" Darvin asked.

"For earth; thunder and metal bending. And light; flame, light construct and plasma." Aldin said amid chews.

"What about you?" Aldin continued.

"Wind has; lightning, flight and speaker." Darvin said.

"Then how about we have a friendly battle." Aldin said with a giggle.

"We still have our lessons, how about this weekend." Darvin said with a devious smile.

They had never tried it out, but now since they had no lessons to keep on mind they had the idea of acting like normal students.

The next day Aldin walked to the training area. He had arrived a few minutes after the lessons began.

Celine was in the middle of her speech and finished it before approaching Aldin. They moved to the side to have a chat.

"I am thankful for what you did for me." Celine said.

"I did not do this for you, but for you students and the principal. If you were changed abruptly it would disrupt their studies and the principal would have trouble so from today unless strictly necessary please don't approach me." Aldin said before walking away to the students.

"Are you alright?" Vincent asked. When Aldin joined them.

"Yes I'm fine." Aldin said.

"That was cool, how were you able to survive that attack?" One of them said.

"Just lucky I guess." Aldin said with a smile.

"Then who is going to battle you first?" One of them asked.

"Today none of you will battle me, instead it is going to be amongst you, first of group yourselves in groups of three and everyone must be of a different element." Aldin said. It took sometime but in a few minutes, they were all in their groups.

"What next." Barrin said since he was the voice of the entire class.

"You will all go into battle in and one of you will have to defend against both of his team mates." Aldin said.

"But isn't that almost impossible." One of them said and many of them agreed.

"That's the entire point, we are working on pushing your limits to the max, doing this will stretch you far. You will all improve your ability to make quick decision. A fifth out there is not determined by your convenience, they will take your life without a second thought." Aldin said with a serious expression on.

"Okay." Barrin said after a long period of silence. He and Terias knew why Aldin was serious about this.

The first group was made of two students who would be going against Barrin.

Barrin immediately wore earth armor. And turned to attack one of his opponents, he was ready to land a huge blow on them but the one who he had turned his back to wouldn't let it, he fired ice shards at him, they were a lot, the student must have put their all in that attack. The armor broke but the attacker was unable to stop it so Aldin activated water lord which stopped the shards and dropped them, walked to the student and wacked them at the back of the head, it was not a strong hit but one he would remember it.

"Be careful with your spell, you must always have control over them." Aldin said to the student who went bright red.

Walked over to where Barrin was then smacked him too.