Chapter 82


Leon was in his office and right now he was looking at the list of third years that had woken up from their meditation. Around five of them were now awake. They would begin training on their runes as soon as possible but the assigned teacher was out and she would be back in a few days too many.

And that's when an idea popped into his head.

"Summon Aldin and Darvin here." Leon said. Fast forward a couple of seconds later Aldin and Darvin had arrived and had their heads down expecting another lecture.

"I am not going to rant anymore." Leon said and the two looked up with smiles on their faces.

"But instead I want you to do me a favor. Students in the third year have begun awakening from their meditative states and I would like you to help them master their runes. You'll head out to the spot the two of you cleared." Leon continued.

After a few minutes Aldin, Darvin and Marcus had gotten into a cart and were on their way to the woods. Aldin introduced them on the way. Paul was a green haired boy, Conner was the brown haired kid, Angela was the Blue haired girl and Isabella was a black haired girl. Throughout the travel they were all silent. Something they may not have noticed was Isabella constantly staring at Aldin. Her eyes would shift from his sharp jaw, beautiful eyes and clean skin. They soon got to the cleared area.

"What happened here?" Mars loudly exclaimed. Aldin turned his head not to face any of their stare but Isabella clearly noticed it.

"You're the one who did it, right." She said while pointing at him. Everyone looked at her in shock only for Aldin to slyly nod. They easily accepted this, after all this was 'Aldin' they were talking about.

"So when are we going to start?" Marcus asked.

"Right now and the first thing we are going to do is explain to you how to activate it." Darvin said.

"To activate it you need to think about what you saw, you will feel it at the back of your mind and the if you concentrate on it a lot, it will manifest itself physically." Aldin continued.

"And this is an illustration." Darvin said and walked to the side. He activated his rune and the air around went into a turmoil and blades of sharp wind appeared everywhere. Then he turned it off the next second.

"Lets us start with Paul." Darvin said and Paul who was of the water attribute came forward.

"Close your eyes, remember the feeling you had in your mental space and concentrate on that." Darvin said.

Paul did just that and once he could feel it ice shards began to appear in the air, they continued appearing and Aldin activated water lord just in case anything happened.

"Stop it now." Darvin said as they continued to multiply.

"How?" Paul asked.

"Just stop thinking about it." Darvin said and instantly the ice shard stopped appearing and those that were in the air began to weight on Paul's mind, Aldin took them over from Paul and helped him release the weight. As Aldin did so he felt something familiar, it was the feeling of will."

'What is this?' Aldin thought to himself.

Aldin broke down the spells and as Paul made his way to them.

"Next up is Angela." Darvin said and Angela came forward, she was earth attributed.

"Now do just as Paul did and when you feel it getting out of hand you need to stop it immediately." Darvin said.

"Okay." Angela said and began summoning her Rune and from the ground giant spike began to shoot up. Luckily Aldin and Darvin were on the ready and defended the others from the spikes. Angela stopped the rune immediately, although she was not so exhausted. She came back with a huge smile.

'Thank goodness he said we wouldn't do it in the academy.' Darvin though to himself.

"Next up, Conner." Darvin said and he walked up to the front of everyone.

"As we said repeat the same process and after using it for some time you can let it go." Darvin said again.

Conner closed his eyes and activated his rune, instantly a calm wind came from him as the center and went in every direction for almost a hundred meters and information filled his brain, blood began to drip from his nose and he fell to the ground unconscious and the rune automatically deactivated. Darvin ran over, picked him up and carried him over to the shade. Angela and Paul also joined him.

"I'll be next up." Marcus said not waiting for either Darvin or Aldin could call out Isabella.

"Just do what the others did." Aldin said.

'Okay." Marcus said.

'Let me see how the first one is?' Marcus thought to himself.

He closed his eyes and activated the first one and from his body a surrounding began to form and thick energy surrounded him and the area around him became extremely hot and the leaves that landed on that energy burnt in seconds after contact. It was pure heat energy and the area around him was extremely hot. Marcus tried moving around and as he did it followed him too and even so after any fast movements it would still move with him like and extension of himself. After having enough fun he deactivated it not to loose all his mana.

" I have another one." Marcus said.

"What?!" Angela and Paul said from where they were.

"It's not weird to have more than one though it is a rarity and as you grow stronger you can have more. I actually have three and he has four." Darvin said and pointed Aldin.

Aldin was actually confused by Darvin's statement since he knew that he had five but he remembered his master's word he realized the reasoning behind Darvin's words and kept quite after that.