Chapter 111

Xander Storm

it took me a little time to get to the Mages' Association headquarters. As I walked in everyone would stand stiff, this was respect due to tower masters. I walked into Linnet's office. She stood up when I got in ready to greet me, but I ignored it.

"What brings you here today?" Linnet asked. I would not bother wasting my time. I handed her the papers.

"I expect you to have moved out within the hour, your replacement will arrive in the hour," I said as she read through it.

"I don't understand this." She said.

"You neglected your duty when mage Leon Corvus came over, you protected your fellow noble and lost your job on the same day, such sour luck you must have today," I said as I got out.

'up next, the academy.'

I used lightning transmission I got there in seconds.

I arrived at the professor's buildings. while there I could see one of the mages I had sent over to the academy, Noah, getting out of a class.

"Noah," I shouted. He looked over and came running.

"Hello tower master, how may I help you?" He said without a bow.

"Could you take me to where Aldin is," I said. He walked me away from the tuition area but not in the direction of the dormitories. We arrived at a large mansion. Noah and I walked in. There was a party going on. Max was part of it as well. He also came over to pay his respects. Everybody in the room went silent after seeing this all eyes were on me.

"Max, why don't you introduce us?" a black-haired kid who is black-haired to be in his teens said.

I saw the eyes of Max and Noah bulge out.

"I'm here looking for Aldin" I said looking for a kid who was supposed to be around twelve.

"I am Aldin, and who are you?" the kid said. I looked him up and down, he did not look anything close to twelve.

"Aldin this is the tower master of the third tower, and the one who sent us here," Max said.

Everyone in the room went silent instantly.

"Sorry for causing you so much trouble." Aldin, with a bow.

"And thank you for helping us." He said.

"If you're so grateful, I want you to show me something," I said.

"What?" He asked out of confusion.

'I want you to show me how strong you are," I said.

"I'm sorry but I can't I was banned from doing anything of the sort while in the academy." He said shyly, he truly was a twelve-year-old.

"Then how about we practice somewhere else?" I asked.

"I was banned from doing that as well because the last time I caused a mass hysteria," Aldin said, shyly. It was shocking that I ended up laughing, that kid sure was shocking.

"IS there anything wrong?" Noah asked when I laughed.

"No," I said to Noah.

"Then I'll get you permission when he comes," I said

"And you can all continue with the party," I said to the silent crowd. Knowing they would not as long as I was there I left to go and wait for Leon to arrive, from his office.


'What just happened' All those who knew who Xander was, everybody except Aldin and Zach.

Tower masters were given respect and bore authority similar to the king, this was because they were at the pinnacle of magic. Aldin had just spoken to them casually like he would anybody. When Xander had left everybody wanted to scream at Aldin. He had done something that would have gotten him in trouble, but since the tower master had no problem with it, who were they to meddle if Xander had no issue with it?

The party went on and everybody was having fun, after some time Aldin approached Isabella while everybody was having a blast.

"How are you're lessons going on?" Aldin asked.

"They're going on well," Isabella said. a long silence drew between them.

"I am thankful for everything you've done for me, if it weren't for you I would not know such joy. Thank you." Isabella said. Aldin felt his heart skip a beat, he now felt the worth of his actions and it made him feel warm and good all over. He looked up at Isabella with a smile.

"I have something to show you," Aldin said and holding her hand he led her outside. They went to the warehouse. the other students were out since classes were over, they all saw Aldin walking with Isabella. All the third years who saw this had sweat dripping down their backs.

They arrived at the warehouse and Isabella could see the pile of resources he had in there.

"Turn back a little," Aldin said and Isabella did as Aldin had asked her. He took the boots and the gauntlets.

'I'll just give you the other one when I am done.' Aldin thought to himself.

"You can turn now," Aldin said. Isabella now saw the beautiful armour in front of her.

"What is this." She asked.

"When I was looking through darkness magic, I realized that mages who use darkness magic don't have that much firepower and so I saw it wise to craft you some weapons to help in that," Aldin said. Isabella took some time to digest this.

'Magic weapons are hard to make yet he made me four of them.' Isabella thought to herself.

"Thank you," Isabella said.

"You're welcome," Aldin said, enjoying the praise he was getting.

"Now how do they work," Isabella said.

"We will have to test that back at the mansion," Aldin said.

They walked back to the mansion. On the way, Aldin explained to Isabella how he had crafted them and how they were to be used.

'Is Aldin human.' Isabella thought to herself unable to comprehend how good Aldin was. Aldin was indeed 'human', but he was not able to fit in normal standards applied on everyone else.