Chapter 124- New point of view.

Marcus Wein

I always felt angry at my inability to protect them. Although I knew I could do nothing with my power, it would bear me down and I never tried everything. Maybe in doing so, I would be able to save the others from getting hurt, but it did not seem worth it. Now all that wrong could be written off and I had Aldin to thank for that.

A smile crept onto my face, and I could feel the relief wash over me. Darvin and I chatted a bit more before he finally headed back to his room. The following day I got wind of what had happened to Natasha. She was awake after a short coma, and I wanted to go and see her.

I got to the infirmary at noon. Visitation was allowed as she was, 'almost getting discharged,' as the nurse had said.

I knocked at the door of her room but there was no answer even after several tries and I opened it fast to check if everything was alright. When I got in, I saw her staring blankly at the wall.

I walked to her.

"Are you alright?" I asked her and all she did was glance at me and look and for several minutes we just stood there silently.

"I heard from Darvin what happened to you," I said and still she did not react.

"I know it would be lousy of me to say this, but sorry for never standing up for you all. I know how awfully they treated you. I had the power to stand up against it but never did." I said since I had no intention of defending myself using Earl as an excuse. I looked down not wanting to look her straight in her eyes. With my head still down, I saw drops land on her sheets. I looked up to find Natasha crying. Her expression began to twist and she let out a loud cry. I could hear the pain in her voice, and it was making my heart ache for her, I knew very well that nothing I said would be of any help to her nor would I be able to comfort her. so, I let her cry to her satisfaction. She wept until all that was left was just dry sobs. She then wiped away the remnants of her tears.

"I know you guys always meant well, even when you did not stop them, at least you did not help them," Natasha said with a huge smile on her face. I smiled back at her.

"You should actually also know that they will all get paid for all they did very soon," I told her. "Aldin has been going around, and they have all gotten some punishments I doubt they will ever forget.

"What do you mean?" Natasha asked.

"Well, after your incident in the woods and a few others Aldin went on a rampage and most of the nobles are in the ground," I said, Natasha was shocked by this, and her face clearly showed this.

"Don't worry, they are not dead they are just literally deep in the ground with their heads sticking out," I added to clear up the misunderstanding and she laughed as I said so.

"What's so funny about that, is they had no way of objecting to it. I don't ever want to get on Aldin's bad side ever." I continued.

"You and me both," Natasha said. We continued to talk but when the time for me to go back to class arrived, I had to leave and head exactly there.

Back to the present, the principal had come to call me out of class. I had no idea the reason behind it but when I got out I met my uncle. I was shocked by the unexpected visit.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, truly shocked by his presence there.

"I was around and I wanted to see my nephews who I hadn't seen in a long time." He said.

"How thoughtful of you," I said.

"Though I did hear something from Ivan that I wanted to confirm with you," he said. I wasn't sure what Ivan had said but I was getting worried.

"What is it?" I asked in anticipation.

"Is it true you once got into a fight with Aldin?" He asked. My worry was cleared.

"Yes, it was a big misunderstanding, now we are sort of friends," I said.

"Then I have to ask, what do you make of Aldin's strength?" He asked.

"When he first arrived at the academy, I would have stood a chance against him but now it is just a distant dream," I said. After all the improvement Aldin had had from then, I wasn't sure I would be able to hold a candle to him anymore, even if I had to go all out from the start, or even had a double of me, it did not seem feasible.

"What makes you say that?" Alastor asked.

"Because I've seen him go all out and I don't think it is anything I can take on," Marcus said.

'And that was only his physical prowess, I have no idea what he is capable of magically, and hopefully, when I do I won't be on the other end.' Marcus thought to himself.

'If what he says is true then even Xander has no idea what he has in his hands.' Alastor thought to himself jealous of Xander.

"Oh well enough of that, how are you doing here?" Alstor asked.

They chatted for some time before they parted ways. Marcus went back to his class and Alastor left the academy. Although he had not achieved what he wanted he still had a smile on his face as he headed back to his tower.

Meanwhile, Aldin after teaching the students a lesson they would easily comprehend and Darvin headed to the infirmary to see how Barrin was doing.

They waited at the reception since Barrin was still unconscious.

As they waited Aldin narrated all that had happened.

"And what about the students?" Darvin asked.

"What about them?" Aldin asked back.

"Did you let them down?" Darvin asked.

"Why would I have to, they have eath users among them, they can do it themselves," Aldin said and for the next few seconds, Darvin had to instantly move from bewilderment, surprise and anger.

"They will be unable to because of the will in the pillar you raised," Darvin said. Aldin understood the big blunder he had just made and was about to rush out when Terias walked in. Her cheeks were pouted in anger.

"What did you do?" Terias asked, clearly angered.

"I didn't mean to. Forget you guys, I was just in a hurry to come see Barrin." Aldin said in defence.

"Then why were we unable to break down the earth pillar you left us on," Terias said.

"I did not mean to instil the will in it, it just happened," Aldin said in defence.

"What is will?" Terias asked and Darvin let out a sigh. Aldin had just revealed some information that was not to be shared lightly. Tearias took note of this and Aldin too realised his blander and went dead silent. From behind the corridor Barrin came walking towards them.

"Yeah, what did you do to the pillar, and what is will?" Barrin asked.

Aldin was trapped between a rock and a hard place by Terias and Barrin. He looked at both of them in silence and before they could even react Aldin had zoomed out of the room on lighting, the two were shocked at this and looked at Darvin for answers and now he too was trapped in the same position as Aldin was just in a few seconds ago. He had the same idea in mind and Barrin and Terias did not expect him to react the same way as Aldin and he got away in an instant. They were left there confused by the whole situation.

"Something is fishy about this and I am going to get to the bottom of it," Terias said and walked out headed to the mansion using fire to propel herself. When she got there the only people she could find were Isabella and the two brothers. She looked everywhere around the mansion but they were nowhere to be found. She would have tried their rooms but they were locked to them. They truly were nowhere near the place.

A couple of minutes prior Aldin had left the Infirmary and was about to go to the mansion but when he got there he realised all that Terias had to do was follow him into the mansion to get answers from him. He thus did the only thing he could do, he went up to the sky. Darvin who had also just come out of the infirmary and saw Aldin rise in the sky followed suit and went up as well. Aldin noticed Darvin following him and stopped in the sky.

"What are we going to do now?" Darvin asked.

"I don't know, I can't think of anything that will appease her," Aldin said.

"That means we'll have to stay here until she calms down," Darvin said.

Seconds later though, something unexpected happened.