New start, same problems, different outcome part 2.

Aldin Randell

'Is this how things are everywhere, how annoying," I thought.

I was about to freeze and be on my way, but a brilliant idea came to mind.

'If they want to play, then let's play, I'll break them all at once.'

"Lead the way," I said.

 The guard was hesitant for a moment but the next moment he took a pair of handcuffs and put them on my arms. We were walking away when Terias appeared out of nowhere.

"Could you let go of him, it; 's his first day, give him a break," the person next to Terias said.

"Don't worry I'll be fine," I said to Terias using this chance to get the first phase over with.

"Just let him go, as he said he is going to be fine," Terias said to her friend and walked her away.

I was grabbed by the shoulder and dragged through the halls. and taken to one of the tower's lower floors. The man locked me up in one of the dungeon rooms. I sat there in silence. From the shadows, a group of huge men walked up to me. They looked fierce and had tattoos on their bodies. From behind them, I heard whimpers.

"Look what we have over here?" One of them said as he kissed his lips.

"Fresh meat," another replied.

'So this is a common thing, what do I do?' I thought to myself. Several ideas crossed my mind but none of them were quite right. As I was brainstorming I ended up ignoring the men in front of me.

Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed my head and the next moment I was punched in the face


When Aldin ignored the men who were in the dungeon with him they got pissed off and in a fit of rage punched him,

Aldin was taken back by this and had to take a step back to take a better look at the guys who were in front of him, 

The men mistook this as a sign of fear and the same one who had punched him took back his arm ready to hit again, ALdin though was not going to have that. As his fist descended and aimed at Aldin, Aldin held it in his hand and used frost touch, it spread extremely fast and his whole arm was frozen. 

"I think it's time I stopped holding back," Aldin said.

The man screamed in pain as his arm fell to the ground detaching itself from him.

The other men were angered and each attacked Aldin using spells of their own.

The dark room was instantly filled with a lot of rushing water all aimed at Aldin, it all wrapped around Aldin with hail stones in it, the pressure was great and the water would recycle itself.

 At least that was what was intended. The water disappeared and Aldin was in the middle with a small layer of light on him, he had used radiance on the maximum output and he was exhausted and a little wet.

Although radiance could be used for a long period of time, the output was the problem that it had. Now that Aldin knew they were all water attributed he switched from using radiance and activated water lord.

The guards who were shocked by what he had just done to make their mana disappear also noticed that he was extremely tired and assumed he would not be able to do it again. With even greater mana they tried to drown Aldin again.

The water from in place, tried the best they could to make it budge but nothing happened, they made more water using mana hoping to overpower it but in the end, nothing still happened.

"Now it's my turn," Aldin said with a smile on his face, the water turned into several tentacles of ice and the remaining sealed the whole room. In an instant, the tentacles had wrapped around the men who were in the room with him. Using light he lit up the room which brought the blood stains, wall scratches, hair and other undescribable items to light. On one of the sides, there were several boys wounded and injured, on the ground and whimpering. The sight was very disturbing, sadly Aldin was able to get back to normal in a few seconds. He turned back to face the group of men.

He was infuriated but holding his emotions back was necessary if he needed to get what he needed.

"Now I am going to ask you a question and you will answer without hesitation or we might have more of a mess in here," Aldin said, all this while, he did not smile but one devilish smile snuck on his face after the statement.

"You little brat, I'll kill you when I get down from here…" One of the men said and part of the ice on the walls changed into lightning flying to him, it electrocuted him and he was made unconscious with a smell of burnt skin in the air.

"Is there anyone else who feels the urge to share anything?


Valen dragged me to Aldin.

"Could you let go of him, it; 's his first day, give him a break," Valen said to the guard.

"Don't worry I'll be fine," Aldin said and in that moment of distraction, I could see a wisp of light move into the man next to him and a small light construct appeared in my hand.

"Just let him go, as he said he is going to be fine," I said, from the look on his face, he knew what he was doing.

I dragged Valen away.

"What are you doing, you have no idea what happens down there," Valen said.

"If it's him we have nothing to worry about, though I do feel pity for anyone who will unluckily encounter him," I said and took out the light construct in my pocket, when I read it I met a task he needed me to do, I had no idea what the reason was but I just had to.

"Let's go, you need to learn a bit about him," I said to Valen and dragged her with me to Aldin's room.

Aldin Randell

After interrogating the men for a while, I got a scope of the whole scenario but I need to get better knowledge on the whole thing.

 I walked to the kids who were on the floor and injured, I gave them some of the healing pillls that I had with me, and the colour on their skin began to return slightly. Once they were in a stable enough condition for me to leave them I made a way through the ice I had used to soundproof the men's screams and headed off to look around the dungeon, As I walked out I was met by an expected friend. Shadows wrapped Isabella to reveal that she had been waiting for me.

"It seems you got the message?" I asked her.

"You seem in a good mood?" She asked.

"Well, of course, I had some fun in there," I said.

"Why did you ask her to come and call me then?" Isabella asked,

"I need to look around and your presence will help a lot in my exploration.

"At your service," She said and wrapped both of us using her shadow and began exploring the dungeon, we met several interesting sights and each one of them just topped up on the anger that was raveging inside me.

"I think this is enough," I said to Isabella, without the fear of being heard, her shadow was of great help since it also blocked in the sound, When I looked at her thought she was extremely tired.

"Let's get out of here fast," I said, she seemed extremely tired

As we left the dungeons we had to bear it as we saw inhumane scenes.

'I thought I was just the nobles at the academy but everywhere is this bad, I'll make them pay, all of them.' I thought to myself vowing to make things right.

 When we got to the front door of the dungeon I looked to see the man who had brought me to the dungeon and had to hold myself back a lot to not strike him down where he stood. When we got to the room I found Terias and her friend in the apartment but I had to put Isabella to rest first.


When I got Aldin's message, I did not understand what he meant.

' Tell Isabella to come get me, go to the second highest floor.' it read. I had no idea the reason for going to the second-highest tower.

When I asked for directions to that floor, I met several security checks that were tedious but when I got to the second floor I was met by Aldin's roommates but that was not what shocked me, the room took my breath away.