Journey to Vros part 2

Back at the tower when Mars and Zack had woken up, Zack woke up earlier than Mars, after all, Mars was definitely tired from carrying Zack to his room and also since he took care of him while he was unconscious. When Zack went to the lounge, he saw a note that was folded and written, ' for Mars and Zack.' on top of it.

In the note were the detailed explanations for mana accumulation for Zack and body refinement for Mars. immediately after reading the instructions Zack sat down cross-legged and began accumulating mana into his core, Mars woke up sometime later to find Zack on the couch.

Mars read the note as well but breakfast came in before he could start using the body refinement technique. Elsewhere ALdin's stomach had just rumbled.

Back on the road, after Aldin and Isabella began meditating the journey continued for an hour more before they stopped. All the guards came together and got took out their rations which was just some bread and beef jerky. The amount was enough for everybody, at least the majority, Aldin looked at the food he had just gotten in wonder, never would that be able to fill his bellly. After eating it all in one bite he excused himself. What he had just taken would not satisfy his hunger. He came back with a deer on his back and using his forgemastery skills made a stone on the ground to a sharp knife. And in seconds had dismantled the deer and built a fire which he then used to roast the meat.

The others were drawn to the smell of the meat and cam closer, as Aldin ate it, he hated the blant taste of the meat.

'when I get the chance I am learning how to cook,' aldin vowed to himself.

They continued the journey after everyone had enough to eat, they were all satisfied and thankful to Aldin for the meat, but Aldin was grumpy after having had such blant food that he went into meditation immediately after he had his fill, for several hours they journeyed and Aldin was still meditating.

"Is he realy mediating all this while, doesn't he burn out?" Joe asked Isabella who was not practising her darkness magic.

"Not at all, it is shocking but he doesn't burnout at all, mediating for several days isn't anything to him he could even go a whole day, the problem though id his hunger, after long hours he has to stop and eat again in order to continue.

After saying this Isabellla waited for a moment to hear whether his stomach would start to rumble, but nothing happened.

"That sure explains alot?" Joe siad.

"No wonder he is so strong, who wouldn't be of they had such an advantage," Joe said while looking back at Isabella.

He had long since noticed that Isabella was a darkness attributed mage. Joe also knew of the superstition surrounding darkness magic and looking at Isabella using it, he was conflicted.

"If you keep on staring that mcuh i might start worrying," Isabella siad turning to Joe and still maintaining the black smoke she had in her hands.

"Am sorry, it's just that this is the first time I have met a darkness attributed mage up close and they don't seem like anything I have heard," Joe said not to give Isabella the wrong impression. 

"Well that's good to hear," Isabella said pleasantly surprised. 

The journey went on uneventful until they got to Vros late in the afternoon.

from inside Vros the guards had seen the carriage arriving and on it the logo of the third magic tower.

One of the guards came out to see who had arrived.

One of the horsemen at the front of the carriage informed Vros of their arrival.

"We have arrived at Vros," the horseman said.

"Finally," Joe siad and got out.

In his hand was a travel form from the tower asking for permission to enter. He handed it to the guard at the front said.

"Sorry but that is not enough, you need higher clearance to get in. We have been having issues with bandit attacks and I can let you in with just a simple travel form." The guard said.

"But.." Joe began to say but the guard started unsheathing his sword as a threat and since he did not want any conflict with the guard he went back to the carriage.

"Seems we have head back to the tower for a more valid reason." Joe said in a defeated tone.

Aldin who was still meditating heard this and the thought of blant food on the way back to state his hunger almost drove him insane. His eyes opened up and he got out of the carriage and went to the guard who had yet to turn away.

"What do you mena an invalid reason?" Aldin asked enraged.

"Step back or I'll have to act," the guard siad drawing his sword.

Aldin did not move though and stared at the man intently with rage in his eyes.

"What do you think you are doing?" Aldin asked furious. His aura too burst out in form of a huge dark red flame.

"Stand down," the guard said in a shaky voice. Aldin looked at him with even more furry, the guard was spooked and lunged at Aldin with his sword but Aldin reacted faster that he expected. With a wave of his hand he sent the man flying to the side. at the same time as well the pendant Xander had given him fell to the ground

Guards came rushing over to stop the commotion. 

"What do you think you are doing, this is the territory of the Ereel house. You are under arrest for attacking the gaurd post," one among them said.

The guard saying this was a fourth tier, he broken throught to the fourth tier at the age of eighteen, which was early according to normal standards. He had been in the fourth tier for several years and was confident in beating a man who he assumed was categorized in the same standards.

He was about to attack when a man walked in behind them.

"What do we have here?" Zorn said from behind them.

The guards, including Noar, the guard who had confronted Aldin.

'You are going to get it now, their is no getting out for you,' Noar thought to himself.

Zorn walked to the front of the Ereel family guards.

"Sorry for the rude welcome," Zorn said and bowed to Aldin. 

Aldin looked down at the man bowing at him and at the same time noticed the pendant that was on the ground. He picked it up allowing the others to notice it .

Out of shock they all knelt down to the ground.

'Thank goodness i did not act, otherwise id be dead right now,' Noar thought to himself. 

The pendant that had fallen to the ground was used to symbolise disciples of the tower elders and anyone higher.

"And who do i have the honor of welcoming?" Zorn asked.

Aldin looked at them pissed and surprised by the sudden change of attitude but he still answered.

"I am Aldin Randell member of the third tower," Aldin said not wanting to talk any further turned back and went into the carriage.

"Noar guide this men into the city and direct them to the Baron's castle," Zorn said.

"Yes master,"Noar said.

"And after this pay me a visit," Zorn continued. 

The gate was opened and the third tower's group got in. Noar intended to get in the carriage but he could fell an angryautra rising and getting the message he chose to walk beside it.

The group made their way to the castle.

On the way Aldin looked out the window to look at the state of the city. The city was not in shambles but the citizens looked down, and as when they looke dhis way they seemed disgusted.

'Something about all this seems fishy,' Aldin thought to himself.

"Joe, i want yout to do something for me," Aldin said.

"What is it?" Joe asked.

"Telll all the guards with you to avoid contact with any of the people of this city and move around in groups, in case of any collision advice them to make as huge of a commotion as possible." Aldin siad.

This caught JOe by a surprise, he felt something off about all this bu he did not go as far as to view them as a threat.

"I will," Joe said.

'I have no idea what is wron about this place, but everything about it, especially that man do not feel alright to me,' Aldin thought to himself. And at the same time outside the carriage guards apart from the academy's were following the whole group with their hands on their weapons.

When they got to the baron's castle, they were welcomed by the count and his family.

Cout Ereel was at the front with his wife next to him and his daughter and son on either of their sides