

Jules can be cute sometimes.

His facial expressions when we were having The talk were adorable,he seemed shocked as well as intrigued at the same time. I literally had to give him time to do research on this whole Dominant-Submissive relationship,find out if he can give it a try and adjust according to his desires, kinks, and hard limits.

I kinda knew it right away that he's vanilla and entirely new to this whole aspect of dating men. That's why I had to bring it up today since we were already having sex talk,that way as he is finding out how gay sex works,he might as well find out how this dynamic works.

When he comes around next time to have a similar talk or ask questions,I will gladly answer and help discuss some matters to him. But for now,hinting on it will suffice.

I had left Julian's in the late afternoon and was now resting in my own house now. Thinking about the pros and cons of our discussion. I also had to prepare Jules' surprise birthday party in secret, which I couldn't do whilst in his vicinity.

I had a meeting with Suzanne and Jenny,the event organizers who were already waiting for me by the time I got here. They were closer to completion,almost all decorations and presents were already in place. What's left is for me to invite Julian to the set venue and celebrate his first birthday with me,together as a couple.

I won't deny that I'm quite anxious because I don't know if he will like my idea or not. Well,if he doesn't, then maybe I will have to bear with it,after all, he is his own person, and his opinions matter. But on the light side,if he likes it, then I will be the luckiest man in the world.

"I can feel your distress from miles." Azrael said,breaking my line of thoughts. Returning my attention to my surroundings,Azrael lazily sat in the sofa across the room,his legs resting on the stool in front of him.

"I've been here for minutes,man. Anyway, before I forget,Mama sent a message.

Dayan,ileus' daughter wants to move to land in quest for her mate. So Mama wants us to receive and host her till she finds her mate. Or lover, at least. Her words not mine." He concluded with his self assigned gesture,both hands in the air.

"Isn't she just bringing her to any on us?" I mean,it's possible. Otherwise, why would Mama randomly recommend us to her. She could have come to land and settled among the new settlers in their allocated towns. Why here?

"It's possible, but what do we have to hide. I have a feelingMamaa knows how we live our lives here on land. Or at least she does have an idea." Azrael reluctantly replied.

"Hmm.... whatever. That woman better watch her act. It won't matter whether she's a cousin or not. The moment she messes up,she's out,understood!"


"So where do you plan on keeping her because she definitely can't stay at your residence since you and Luciano fuck like rabbits. You need your privacy. And I don't like being around people I haven't mentally granted permission to be around. So where?" I had to ask because one she's not like the rest of the settlers,she's closely related to us. Two, Ileus will set the land on fire if anything bad happened to his daughter so we can't risk. Either way we had to ensure her safety for as long as she was under our care and supervision.

"I guess we will have to hire Tasnim as her bodyguard. We won't have to worry at all,I believe they will complement each other."

"I agree,they'll surely do if they do not break a few bones prior." We chuckled and joked about their unhinged,alpha personalities. I can't wait to see how it plays out.

"I know, right?! Anyway,what had your pants in a twist earlier?" If one thing is certain,Azrael does not drop topics like normal people would.

"I was having doubts about Julian's reaction. I don't know whether he will like and accept my surprise or if he will reject it."

"There's only one way to find out." Azrael said while pulling his phone out of his pocket.

It happened so fast that I missed when he dialled Julian and was talking to him already.

"Oh hey,brother!" Azrael spoke into the phone.

'Hey,Azrael. How are you?' That was Julian's voice. He was talking to Julian on the phone. Like does he have Julian's number saved on speed dial?

"Uh I'm alright,thanks. So I'd like to invite you to dinner with us tomorrow. Maybe a double date. How do you see?"

'Oh I have no problem with having a double date. I'll rather have to talk to Adrien and see if he's okay with it then—' Azrael did not let him continue any further.

"Oh he's here with me. He wanted to get your opinion first before agreeing to anything. He says that he doesn't want to have you roped in something you're not comfortable with."

'Really! I'm glad to know that he cares about my opinions.'

"Do you know how lucky you are to have my brother wrapped around your pretty little finger? I doubt you do. This is the first time I'm seeing Adrien care for anybody,he doesn't even pay this much attention to me." Azrael,that drama queen, had to make this moment awkward somehow.

"I know you know he loves you. He does,just that he probably doesn't know how to shower you with too much affection and attention like you would like but he does love you. Am I right?' Julian really matches energy with Azrael. I can't even start figuring out how they bonded this much already,it's like they've known each other for decades.

"Okay,you got me there. So double date tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Double date it is. Thanks for inviting me Azrael.'

" I'll pin you the address. Be there on time,okay!"



They hung up and Azrael rose from his seat to leave.

What the hell just happened! Did Julian,my boyfriend and Azrael,my brother just have a conversation in front of me and none bothered to include me!?

My boyfriend didn't even bother to say hi to me even after he was told that I'm around? The fuck!!

"C'mon bro! Wipe that frown off your beautiful face. Don't act bewildered,yes everything just happened." Azrael had the nerve to tease me.

"When did you two become bestbuds?"

"Hmm... I'll say since we became business partners! Don't know either,we just clicked."

Azrael shrugged his shoulders and walked out without even offering me another glance.

Like does that answer any of what just happened right now?