Middle ground

" Augasaus 19, In the year of Sarila - 905.

 Jane, me again, Cassidy! The military recently recaptured the town called Yuigahama which is situated in Trentodaito, we are currently confirming if there are any Nameian soldiers left, I can't read most of the signs in the road as it is written in the Runes, not Common, but there are many demolished buildings.."

Suddenly, a soldier shouted a terrified scream, "G-GUYS! COME OVER HERE."

Not knowing what the commotion was, many ran to check what was happening. When they witnessed the scene, they couldn't believe what they saw. One soldier just broke down and started puking on the floor.

One soldier screamed, "What… what is this.?!"

The area was surrounded by a disgusting odor, comparable to rotten cheese and shit. Dead civilians, one by one, piled up, all seemed to be shot, violated, and tortured. The Nameians left a message written in Common, it reads,

"Go die, Saliware dogs!"

Seeing the sight, Cassidy couldn't resist but felt anger and hatred rushing through her veins, the rest of the group also felt the same. At the same time, the soldiers felt empathy and pity, one by one, they started helping to bury the unfortunate souls.

A comrade beside Cassidy was tasked to collect the belongings of the dead, one by one he collected them cleanly and formally, in accordance with the World Code.

"One checked. Only a bracelet. Such a poor girl.."

"Two checked. A family photo. What a loving family..."

"Three.... This body sure is heav-"

Suddenly, BOOM! A large explosion could be heard across the town, blood and organs rained from the known sky, the bodies were rigged with explosives and landmines, and more soldiers met a similar fate.


A body directly exploded on her left, causing her ears to ring and bleed. With a minor concussion, she looks around her surroundings with soldiers running, ducking, and shouting. Rage fills her heart. On that very night, the military razed the town to the ground. All of the captured Nameian soldiers were forced outside, kicked, and beaten. One by one, they pleaded for forgiveness, but instead, they were lined up and shot. Cassidy, being one of the soldiers dragging the coward and pathetic enemies.

She could hear from the distance, a fellow soldier repeatedly stabbing a Nameian soldier shouting, "DIE DIE DIE!!! YOU FUCKING NAMEIAN DOG, GO TO HELL!!"

A Nameian soldier kneeled and cried to Cassidy, speaking in the Lowland Tongue (English), he says- "Please! I'm only 16-year-old! I was forced into this! They would've killed me if I didn't do anything!" with her barrel pointed to his head.

Trembling with fear, and tears falling from her eyes, Cassidy felt empathy for the poor guy, but remembering what they'd done to the civilians of the town, she shot him point blank in the head. She immediately regretted what she had done, but she carried on due to the chaotic situation.

The very next day, Cassidy couldn't remove the memories from yesterday, it was her first time, killing a fellow human, staring deep into their eyes. He was just like her, a fellow conscript forced into this bloodbath. Since she didn't want to scare Jane, she decided not to write about her experience.

" Serpentis 12, In the year of Sarila - 905.

 Hi! It's me, Cassidy. Serpentis 12, honestly, is no different from any other day. I still feel the safest in the trenches, I still don't have the courage to climb up and fight the enemies. But I must return alive! And I shall give you this book. As I'm writing this, your birthday is around the corner. If I remember, it is in Serpentis 25. Well. Happy advance birthday Jane Ingrid! You will be 17!"

Months go by and Cassidy has not written in the journal ever since, the events that happened in that town haunt her every day, and the memory of those Nameian soldiers and the civilians being killed with no mercy gets to her. Scared and Hopeless, she awaits her death every day, even if she wishes to give this journal to her only friend, Jane. Still, the trenches made her feel safe, even with the disgusting smell, and it being flooded often.

One day, the high commands gave every fighting man and woman a pleasant surprise. The ability to write a letter to home.


" Decembri 3, In the year of Sarila - 905.

 Hi! It has been a few months since you've heard of me, sorry for leaving home! It is the festive month! The war has been going on quite slowly right now. We will all be home by Festive Day! Today I shall write a journal entry. Ironic isn't it? Considering this is a letter

Our first issue is protection, artillery has been quite a problem. When an artillery shell explodes, many tiny bits of metal called "shrapnel" fly and fall across the sky. Our soft kepis do nothing, I've seen many fallen comrades not from enemy fire but from artillery. Such a sad fate. 

Our trenches have improved though, the military has predicted we wouldn't be advancing anytime soon as we are stuck under defensive roles, so we now have a drainage system, more bunkers, and electricity!

Many wishes upon you Jane, I couldn't say happy birthday to you in person nor celebrate Festive Day with you. I've made some friends on the frontlines so I won't be so lonely. Happy Festive Month!

139 Caydana Street, Millenoa Town, Yappite Peninsula, Saliware Pact."


Cassidy finishes writing her note when she sees a fellow comrade, by the name of Arlan also writing a note. She asked Arlan in a shy tone, "Who are you writing this for?"

Arlan, surprised, said, "Wha- Who.. Me?"

"Yeah.. you."

"Oh. Well... I'm writing for my girlfriend."

"Nice! Who's she?" -Cassidy says with curiosity

"She's Naozumi Akatawa."

"A highlander?"

"Yeah, she's from Nailan."

"The country up north in the continent of Persephone!?!?! Good for you bro, though, you could write in the Highland Basic?"

"Yeah, bet I can, she can speak the Lowland Tongue but it's very bad."

"Let me know a few words in the Highlander Tongue would you?"

"Hmm… Well, Konichiwa means hello, and Arigatou means thank you."

"Wow, amazing!"

Suddenly, a soldier shouted, "ENEMIES!"

The soldiers panicked and grabbed their rifles, ditching the letter, but the commander halted everyone. To the confusion of everyone, a commander from the other side is walking through the snowy no man's land with a white flag. Seeing this, the commander shouted, "PASS ME THE FLAG OF SALIWARE, PRIVATE."

The private retaliated, "Seriously? You would talk to those Western Barbarians?"

"ARE YOU OBJECTING MY ORDER PRIVATE?" - the commander shouted.

"No sir!" 

The flag was passed to the commander as he slowly climbed up the ladder. Eventually, both sides met each other in the middle of no man's land during the height of the Battle of Heisen Valley. 

The Lightian commander said in Nameian - "Are you here to surrender?"

The Nameian commander laughed hard, he said, "You really are a funny guy huh?"

"I don't understand the humor of a barbarian."

"So that's what you guys call us huh? Well, we want to have a temporary truce."

"A WHAT?" - the commander said in shock.

"Maybe we should lay down arms, why would we be fighting to death during Sarila and Erina's holy days? Will Maximillian tolerate this kind of fight?"

"You do have a point."

"Let's make a truce, in accordance with the World Code, we will be exchanging prisoners and wounded men."

"When will this peace last.?"

"In Decembri 26, 09:05, 905."

"May we march home on Festive Day, barbarian."

"Let's see, Saliware dog, I can see those new magic-powered artilleries shining in your lines of defense, those are DEFINITELY! going to be used."

When the commander came back to the trench, he explained everything. And everyone was joyful.