Our bride

Killain's heart raced as he gazed down at the unconscious girl lying next to him. This was the first time he was waking up next to a girl after his devil took complete control of his body and mind. Usually, every person he meets on that night end ends up dead. His devil never spares anyone on that night. 

So, was this girl also dead?

With a slightly trembling voice, he asked, "Did you kill her?"

The devil let out a sinister laugh, mocking his intelligence. "Are you really that stupid? Can't you see that beautiful chest going up and down and up and down?" 

Killian's eyes widened in shock as he turned to look at the girl. He couldn't believe it. He had been so sure that the devil had taken her life, but she was still alive.

That was surprisingly weird.

When he saw her rising and falling chest, a sense of relief washed over him. 

However, soon, his attention was drawn towards her torn dress, revealing her semi-naked breast. They looked soft, white, and so beautiful. Realizing the direction of his thoughts, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and he quickly averted his gaze as if he was burned by the sight in front of him. 

But the devil inside of him couldn't resist the opportunity to torment him. "Oh my, could you quit blushing like a four-year-old child? It doesn't suit our awesome personality." 

Killian clenched his jaw, trying to silence the devil's voice in his head. 

"Oh, come on, don't be so prude. She's just lying there, tempting us to do something wicked. Something evil. Something that would give us both the pleasure we desire. So, why don't you just give in and savor the moment?" the devil's voice whispered, goading him. 

"Shut up," he barked. 

But the devil inside of him continued to whisper. "Don't fight our urges, Killian. Go ahead. Take a closer look. You know you want to."

"I said shut the hell up!" he snapped. 

Despite his irritation, the devil continued to laugh, "Anyways, get used to it. You have to do much more than just seeing her naked breast." 

His forehead furrowed in confusion; his eyes narrowed as he struggled to grasp the meaning behind the devil's words. "I don't understand. What are you talking about? And who is this girl?" 

The devil's lips curved into a cruel smirk. "Ah, she is our bride, the perfect addition to our little family." 

Bride? Addition to the family? 

What was this devil talking about?


The devil chuckled softly, his voice laced with amusement. "It's a long story, my dear Killian. One that I will tell you in due time. But for now, I have a task for you. I need you to go into the forest and find something for our bride to eat. She had a rough night last night, poor thing," he said, his voice filled with concern.

"Rough night? Who do you mean? What did you do to her?" he questioned.

His mind racing with all the terrible things the devil might have done to the girl.

As he spoke, his hand clenched into two tight fists, and his heart raced with a mix of fear, anger, and confusion. Despite being unaware of his emotions, he could feel a sense of protectiveness and care for this unknown woman whom he had just met.

Suddenly, the devil inside of him growled in anger, and a dark, murderous aura overwhelmed him. His eyes started to turn black, his hair began to grow, and his nails lengthened, all signs that the devil was trying to take control of his body.

Killian knew that he had to keep the devil at bay, or else he would lose all sense of control. "Stop it," he hissed through gritted teeth, fighting for control. 

"It wasn't me!" the devil growled, his voice deep and menacing. "It was those bastards that almost hurt our bride." 

At once, Killian was hit with a ton of memories of last night. He recalled how his devil was roaming in the forest, searching for humans he could kill, when suddenly, he saw four men surrounding a girl. Then he recalled how he killed them and saved the girl and almost left her there alone. However, he went back to her, kissed her, and brought her to this dilapidated hut. 

"You did well," he praised, almost relishing in the aftertaste of killing those men who almost hurt the girl in front of him. 

The devil raised an eyebrow in surprise. 

In all these years, he had never heard such words from him. Every morning, Killian would wake up with regret and guilt for the heinous acts he committed the night before. He would mourn for the people he killed.

The devil was used to seeing him trying to repent for his actions, but tonight was different. "Did you just praise me?" he asked, curious about the sudden compliment. 

Killian chuckled darkly. "Because they deserved it." 

The devil grinned wider, feeling a surge of pride and satisfaction, knowing that Killian was finally embracing his dark side. He had always tried to convince him that killing was necessary and that it was their nature to kill, but he would always resist.

But not today. 

Today, Killian finally acknowledged him and their dark nature, and it was all thanks to their bride. The devil had a hunch that because of their bride, Killian would be able to accept the darkness within him, and they would be able to merge completely, unleashing their demonic side fully. 

Oh, he was so looking forward to their future now. The devil smirked. 

"What are you so happy about?" Killian asked, feeling a sudden happiness taking over him. 

"Nothing," the devil chuckled. "Now, go and get something for our bride to eat. But that's not all. While you are out there searching for food, think of a way to make our bride fall in love with us at first sight." 

Killian raised his brows in surprise. "Fall in love with us at first sight?"