Into the palace

As the carriage started moving, I couldn't help but gaze out of the window and marvel at the breathtaking scenery passing me by. The lush green landscapes seemed to stretch endlessly, with tall trees and vibrant nature surrounding me on all sides.

In the distance, towering mountains loomed against the sky, their peaks shrouded in mist. The sunlight streams through the lush green canopy, creating a picturesque scene. I lean my head against the glass window and take a deep breath, taking in the fresh, earthy scent of the forest.

As we emerge from the forest, the carriage passes by a serene lake. The crystal clear water reflects the blue sky, creating a stunning mirage. A few ducks glide effortlessly on the surface, adding to the tranquility of the scene. I am mesmerized by nature's beauty, and I can't help but feel grateful for this opportunity to witness it firsthand.

Despite my initial fear and nervousness, the longer I looked at the scenery around me, the more my mood started to calm. The soothing atmosphere of the landscape seemed to wash over me, and my nerves were gradually soothed. 

The journey was long, with the sunlight slowly fading into a deep purple sky. As the moon rose, casting a soft glow over the land, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe. The unfamiliar sights and sounds only added to my anticipation for what awaited me in the kingdom.

As our carriage passed through the small villages and towns, I couldn't help but glance at the locals going about their daily lives. They were simple folks, living ordinary lives, just like I used to. But everything changed for me in a single day. Now, I find myself in this carriage, with a heavy heart and a mind full of doubts, pretending to be a princess heading to a foreign kingdom to marry a prince I hardly know. 

As the night wore on, I found myself nodding off, exhaustion setting in after a long day of preparation and traveling. But my sleep was restless, filled with dreams and worries about my new role as the princess.

Would I be able to fool everyone and fulfill my duties?

Will I be able to complete the task and save my younger brother?

Finally, the carriage finally stopped in front of a large gate, the only entrance to the Kingdom of Arathorn. My heart raced with nervousness as I peered through the window and saw stern-looking guards at the check post. Seeing them, I finally realized why Princess Amelia said that if I traveled here alone, I would never be able to make it inside. 

Once the necessary checking was done, the carriage was finally able to enter the kingdom. As we made our way in, I couldn't help but marvel at the place's grandeur. The roads were lined with majestic buildings, their intricate designs and vibrant colors adding to the kingdom's overall magnificence. The lively market caught my eye, with its numerous stalls selling a variety of goods.

The hustle and bustle of the people was contagious, and I found myself smiling at the sight of it all. I saw a bustling street filled with people of all ages and backgrounds. The sound of merchants shouting their wares and the laughter of children playing filled the air. It was a stark contrast to the quiet and monotonous life in my small town.

Once the necessary checking was done, the carriage was finally able to enter the kingdom. As we made our way in, I couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur of the place. The roads were lined with majestic buildings, their intricate designs and vibrant colors adding to the overall magnificence of the kingdom.

The lively market caught my eye, with its numerous stalls selling a variety of goods. The hustle and bustle of the people was contagious, and I found myself smiling at the sight of it all.

The carriage followed the winding roads until we reached our destination — the grand palace. My heart thumped in my chest as I sat nervously in the carriage.

The carriage stopped, and a guard opened the door. He offered his hand to help me out. I took it, feeling my legs tremble. I composed myself, remembering that I had an important mission to accomplish.

I got out of the carriage and gazed at the magnificent palace before me. It was unlike anything I had ever seen. The palace had intricate details, towering domes, and grand gates that mesmerized me. I felt like I was in a fairy tale.

The guard who escorted me down led me towards the palace's entrance. I followed him, trying to take in every detail of my surroundings. As we entered the palace, I was greeted by another guard — the king's most trusted guard. He welcomed me with a warm smile and informed me that since it had been a long journey, I could rest for the night and prepare to meet the king and queen tomorrow.

I nodded, still unable to believe that I was actually here, inside the palace. Then, the guard led me towards my room and introduced me to my maids, who would accompany and take care of me during my stay there. 

Once the guard had left, I found myself in my luxurious room with the maids. The room was lavishly decorated with exquisite furnishings, vibrant tapestries, and glistening chandeliers.

Without wasting a moment, the maids got to work, bustling around the room, tidying up the place, organizing my luggage, and making sure everything was in order for my stay. Their swift movements and diligent efforts were impressive.

After a brief moment of hesitation, I decided to lower my cloak and remove the veil from my face, feeling the cool air brush against my skin. Instantly, I heard gasps from the maids in the room. Turning to look at them, I saw them staring at me with starry eyes.

For a moment, I'm taken aback by their reaction.