Twisted Ankle

After Prince Killian was gone, I was left with more questions than answers.

However, I took a deep breath, shook my head, and tried to clear my mind. I couldn't afford to waste any more time. I forced myself to stop thinking about the prince's strange behavior and focus on the task at hand.

I only had two days to find that book, the one that the mysterious man had asked me to steal. I quickly walked over to the magic section of the library, scanning the shelves for any sign of the red leather book that the man had described. But there were so many books, and I had no idea where to start.

Then, my eyes landed on the red book, far above on the top shelf. I reached out, trying to grab it, but it was just out of my reach. Frowning slightly, I looked around and spotted a ladder in the corner of the room. Without hesitation, I grabbed it and dragged it over to the shelf.

I held my long gown and started to climb the ladder carefully. But when I reached the top rung, I still couldn't reach the book. "Sigh! Why are these shelves so tall?" I mused to myself.

Left with no alternative, I rose onto my tiptoes, extending my arm to its fullest, yet the book remained out of reach. A growl of frustration escaped me as I scanned the area for aid. It was then that I noticed a small stool tucked away in the corner.

Before anyone else could arrive in the royal library, I descended the ladder and grabbed the stool, positioning it atop the ladder. Taking a deep breath, I ascended once more and gingerly stood on the stool, stretching for the book. As my fingers grazed the book's edge, my face lit up with joy.

"Huh, aren't you in my hands now?" I murmured with a chuckle as I clutched the book. But at that very next moment, my ankle gave way, and I stumbled. "Ahhhh!!!!" I shrieked, squeezing my eyes shut, anticipating the harsh impact with the ground.

Yet, the anticipated pain never arrived.

Instead, firm arms encircled me, preventing my fall just in the nick of time. That same familiar sensation washed over me once more. Even with my eyes still closed, I knew it was Prince Killian who had caught me.

"You saved me again," I said, smiling and opening my eyes to meet his, which were filled with concern and worry. But when he heard my words, his expression shifted from surprise to happiness. His gaze then deepened, causing my heart to flutter uncontrollably.

"How did you know it was me?" he inquired.

"Intuition," I lied, too bashful to confess the real reason.

He scrutinized me, and somehow, I sensed he knew I was lying, which made me blush. I wondered whether he was going to ask further, but thankfully, he did not press the matter. With a shake of his head and a sigh, he asked, "Are you alright, my bri —princess?"

"I'm fine, though I believe I've twisted my ankle," I admitted, offering a sheepish grin.

As the words escaped me, a look of concern swept over his face. He sighed, shaking his head, and queried, "What am I to do with you? You always seem to land in trouble."

I chuckled in response to his remark. "And you're always there to save me from every trouble." 

At my words, he let out a deep, resonant laugh that was incredibly charming. His dark eyes sparkled as he laughed, and the vibration of his laughter could be felt in his chest, which made me blush. "That's true, my princess," he affirmed.

My cheeks warmed at his words. My princess?

Was I truly his princess now? I had come to marry him, so it seemed fitting for him to call me his princess. Besides, I cherished the way he said it. It sent a peculiar, delightful shiver through my heart, and I couldn't contain my joy.

Despite the ache in my ankle, a smile graced my face, and it was all because of the man who held me so tenderly in his embrace. Suddenly, realization dawned, and my eyes widened at the fact that I remained cradled in the prince's arms.

Immediately, I asked the prince to put me down, but he refused. Instead, he proceeded to walk, carrying me to an unknown destination. Puzzled, I inquired, "Where are we going?"

Prince Killian didn't answer.

Instead, he walked further and further toward one direction in the room, and that's when I noticed a long table coming into my view. When we reached the table, Prince Killian gently placed me on it. I looked at him and was confused when I saw him bend down to lift the hem of my gown.

Startled and with my face flushed red, I quickly grabbed his hand and stopped him. A big frown came over his face, and he raised his brows. "What's wrong, my princess?" 

"W-what.. what are you doing?" I stammered in shock. 

"I wanted to check your ankle," he replied, his voice calm and steady. But then he paused, and I could see a mischievous glint in his eyes. A smirk slowly spread across his face, and he asked me in a hoarse voice, "What do you think I was trying to do to you, my princess?"

His words sent a shiver down my spine, and I was momentarily at a loss for words. I felt a blush creeping up my neck, and I tried to push him away, deciding to put some distance between us. He was just too close. 

However, how could Prince Killian, or, in this case, the devil, let go of such a beautiful chance to be with his bride? He grabbed her arms and pulled her closer to him.

He could see the effect he had on her, and he couldn't resist taking advantage of the situation. He loved the way her heartbeat sped up when he got close, how her cheeks would turn red when he stared at her or the smile that graced her beautiful face because of him. He placed her arms around his neck and held her close, relishing in the feel of her soft curves against his body.

But this was not enough. 

He wanted more. He desired more. 

Killian was a fool for staying away from their bride and rejecting their desires for her, but he wasn't. He was THE DEVIL, and he always got what he wanted. 

And, right now, he wanted her - their precious little bride - Princess Amelia. His Lia.