Fighting a losing battle

"Amelia..." he moaned, his hands moving faster and faster.

As he reached his peak, he couldn't help but let out a loud gasp, releasing all his pent-up fantasies and desires. He lay there, panting and spent, shame and guilt washing over him. He knew it was wrong, and he had gone against everything he believed in. But at the same time, he couldn't deny the pleasure and happiness he felt in that moment.

He opened his eyes and looked around. The bed was in a complete mess. He could see his sweaty figure reflecting in the mirror in front of the bed. He felt disgusted with himself. How could he have stooped so low?

He knew he had to stop these thoughts. How could he lose control over himself? How could he give into the devil's temptations? This was wrong, so wrong...

How could he think of her in such a manner when she was not —