Will you marry me, Lia?

Killian, or the devil who had taken control over the body, noticed the confusion on his bride's face. He simply smiled and didn't answer her. Instead, he reached into her wardrobe and pulled out a simple, white nightgown.

Amara's eyes widened in surprise.

He chuckled and walked towards her, holding out the nightgown. "Here, let me help you put this on."

Amara's cheeks flushed as she took the nightgown from him. She could feel her heart racing as he carefully helped her into it. His touch was gentle, and she couldn't help but get lost in his dark black eyes. 

He leaned down, gently kissed her forehead, and took her hand, guiding her to the bed. As they settled down, he kissed her forehead again and whispered, "Sleep now, my love."