Staying by her side

After the maids saw that I was fine, they breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on their faces. However, they soon gathered around me, showering me with offers to feed me and asking if I needed any help or assistance. I could see the eagerness in their eyes, the desire to serve me and make sure that I was well taken care of.

Despite my reassurances that I was perfectly fine and could manage on my own, they were insistent that I was injured and needed their assistance in everything.

"Lily, Anne, I am perfectly fine. My hands are not injured," I told them, letting out a slight sigh. I can manage to eat by myself. If I require your assistance, I will let you know."

"But, Your Highness -"

"Lily, Anne, I appreciate that even though I am a princess from another kingdom, you still care so much about me. And I am so glad that you three are my maids."