Princess Amelia, we need to talk

As I sat lost in my thoughts, I pondered the decision to reveal my true identity to Prince Killian. Though I was aware of his love for me, I realized he had many responsibilities as a prince, and my revelation could hold him back from fulfilling them.

Moreover, I had promised Princess Amelia that I would marry the prince in her place to maintain the peace treaty between the two kingdoms. As much as I loved Prince Killian, I couldn't let my emotions cloud my judgment. I didn't want to become the reason behind the downfall of the Kingdom of Ellendale. 

Therefore, I decided to wait for the right time to tell Prince Killian the truth about myself. Suddenly, a soft voice shattered my reverie. "Your Highness...." 

I blinked, my mind returning to the present. "What is it, Lily?" I turned to look at my maid. 

"It's time," she replied.