If you lie, you will die

The devil was extremely pleased to see the human's obedience and fear. "Good. Now go and deliver my message to the king. And remember, if you lie, you will die."

The man nodded, gulping fearfully. 

The devil's smile widened into a triumphant leer. "Very well," he uttered. "I will count to five. If you have not disappeared from my sight by then, I will personally rip you into sheds and feed you to the wild animals."

With that, the devil began counting. One... two... three...

Seized by a primal fear and the instinct to survive, the man turned and fled, his feet pounding the ground as he vanished into the darkness. Watching his prey's desperate flight, the devil laughed sinisterly. His eyes narrowed as they fell upon his own bloodied hands, a reminder of the carnage he had inflicted.

And as darkness enveloped the scene, the devil's eyes narrowed, a malicious glint in its gaze. "What are you going to do now, Killian?" he chuckled darkly.